I'm sick of being mistaken for a prostitute!

by Aztec 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    Yeah Odrade...I've lived in areas like that...Its really hard to know what you are suposed to do as a woman, when there isn't any cut and dry to it...its not like you can walk around w/a sign all the time..."I am/am not a prostitute.."...I guess she could always throw on her old meeting clothes...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • shotgun

    Aztec its that faded t-shirt you wear which say ** Puck Crazy** They misinterpret that not knowing your hockey fetish....good first game for StevieY BTW.

  • Aztec

    OMG Expat, no way am I actually becoming one you smarmy brat! I think Syrup had the same idea...ugh! You two are awful.

    Valis, thanks for the suggestions but my meeting clothes are long gone...LOL!

    Odrade, again, thanks!

    Shotgun, Stevie rawks! We'll see how he does tonight against Ottawa.

    Thanks to everyone for the replies and suggestions. Maybe I just shouldn't leave my apartment. J/K


  • teejay

    Could be worse, Azzy. You could be KNOWN as a prostitute.

    p.s. Or *is* that worse? I get confused.

  • maybesbabies

    Oh, that's the worst! I used to live in Seattle (Sea-Tac, actually, close to the airport) and no matter what I was wearing, I'd have men pulling up next to me, and they never say anything, just motion for you to get in the car. Let me tell you, it scared the holy living piss out of me! I didn't have a car, and so I walked everywhere! I soon started taking the bus all the time, even if it was to go a block away. I would suggest that if you are able to do it!!!!

  • Valis

    um teejay...if she were the title of this thread might be "I'm tired of being a prostitute.." *LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • Swan


    The backpack idea that Odrade suggested is a very good idea. Don't change your look or clothes, however. You aren't guilty of anything; you shouldn't have to change. These are johns. THEY are the ones breaking the law. Just tell them, "WRONG NUMBER! Scram, before I call the cops."

    Of course, saying it with a can of mace in your hand would really enforce the point that they are way over the line.


  • Surreptitious

    I suggest that you smear a lot of mud in your hair, or better yet, axle grease. Then get some of those paste on warts - bigger the better. See if you can get a good "plumber butt" thing going with your pants and make sure to reveal a wart or two there. Tuck the end of a 4 foot length of toilet paper into any available "spot" and let it trail out behind you. Wear bright red hightops with black and white fuzzy dice threaded through the laces and every three of four steps holler out "SNAKE EYES!" Always push a shopping cart before you. When a potential "customer" approaches you say, "Its about time! Now get in!".

    See if that helps. Report back to me.


  • Aztec

    Maybes, I drive most places but if I am only going a block or two I walk for the excercise and to conserve gas. I guess for safety I should only do that before the sun goes down eh?

    Tammy...LOL! I don't have mace but I do have a cell phone! I'm too stubborn to change the way I dress. I'm comfy in jeans and a ponytail damnit!


  • Xandria

    Forget Mace spray em with perfume!.. that will get them in so much hot water at home..

    "You come home smelling like you been in a whore house.. how dare you..yada yadee yadee!"

    Muwahahahahahahaha. That will teach them.


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