JW's - lack of knowledge of their own beliefs

by Illuminated 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Illuminated

    Why are so many Jehovah's Witnesses unaware of their own beliefs. 

    I would imagine the repetitive meetings, studies and door to door knocking would firmly root them in their beliefs.

    Yet, I've observed they either back out of challenging questions at times, or share a link to jay w org.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    I remember back in the 1970s that some JWs did not have a full understanding of all doctrines (Particularly the rationale for the 1914 doctrine). However, they had a simple grasp of the basic doctrines like soul and hell and some would be able to do some basic proof texting, though for the most part they had to rely on a publication to provide them a biblical verse.

    I hear it's worse now but I figure that almost everything about the Watchtower has gotten worse.

    It's possible that the Watchtower, realizing this, might have come up with the idea of having their teachings easily available in Internet form in order to bypass the ignorance of their members. 


             "Why are so many Jehovah's Witnesses unaware of their own beliefs?"


                                      THE WATCHTOWER THINKS FOR ME!..


  • prologos
    If jws knew the ramifications of their doctrines, that is, have a personal understanding of them, they would not be in the service, at the hall,  they would be here.  
  • smiddy

    How could they possibly know what they beleive when they keep changing their beleifs all the time with so called nu-lite .

    As has been demonstrated numerous times on this board the WT has published conflicting /contradictory interpretations of many scriptures over the years , brushed off as nu-lite ,new understanding ,etc.

    The fact is they speak out of both sides of their mouth , and they give an answer to a question depending on what they think you want to hear.


  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    The Org's chariot is moving far too fast for the sheeple - they can't keep up with it!

    Even one of our Elders said from the platform recently that it was "hard to keep up with all the changes".

  • Vidiot

    Illuminated - "Why are so many Jehovah's Witnesses unaware of their own beliefs?"

    Because they don't need to be.

    They just need to do what they're told.

  • freemindfade
    the doctrine has become a noisy display of backflips and mystery that no one could follow and I think thats the way they want it. Who wants to be the one in a group think situation to stand out and say "guys this doesn't make any sense to me". no one. witnesses just want to parrot "isn't it wonderful the new light" "moving chariot" "blah blah blah". As them to explain the new understanding of the generation. Its so convoluted the brush strokes keep getting broader and broader so its harder to be in the wrong. 
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    If a written test was required to become a Elder and a passing

    score of 90%, how many would pass?

    Ask a elder about overlapping generation, blood, end times.

    In fact just ask them about some of the basic teaching in the Bible.

    The test must be given in a room without any WT publication, no

    tablet (whatever they use in service today).

    I'am sure all will get Matt. 24;14 right, but 50% will fail the test...

    I was so surprised when a Elder told me, the promise land was about

    2000 miles from Egypt...

  • Magwitch
    When we are raised in this organization, we learn from a very early age how to sit for hours on end and tune out everything.  When I was a teenager (4th gen) I knew fornication, hellfire, and the trinity were wrong. I did not have a clue what they were......just that they were wrong. 

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