Like I said, you know he's watching your every move. So every time you breathe, cough, and empty, know that he's got his eye on you. Every time you open up your mouth to say he's "impotent", he's giving you another X. You probably have hundreds of bad marks so far and you just love to make it worse for yourself? Huh? And you stand by that pure ignorant notion that he is powerless? No. His defining characteristic is power and domination but his main one is love. And that's why he's still giving you a chance. You know he loves you, Ms. Evil, because if he didn't you'd be gone by now. Trust me, you don't want to see him prove you wrong because that could very well be fatal.
Potential Muslim convert
by StopTheTears 45 Replies latest jw friends
I saw my friend Abdullah outside.....STT
The only thing funnier than your outrageous fictional threads......Is..
The people who "step up" to do battle with you over them..
You Must Be Laughing Your Ass Off..
This thread is a total train wreck. Quite hilarious, too.
Every time you open up your mouth to say he's "impotent", he's giving you another X.
X marks the spot, but he's so impotent he wouldn't know what to do with it.
The only converts from Islam to Christianity are fictional which is appropriately ironic .
Village Idiot
His defining characteristic is power and domination but his main one is love.
Defining is the same as main.
This is such a weird thread.
You'll see what he will do, Ms. Evil, you'll see.
Village Idiot, that's what I meant, duh.