You'll see what he will do, Ms. Evil, you'll see.
You're impotent god hasn't ever done anything except be impotent. No reason to think he will change now. Also,
by StopTheTears 45 Replies latest jw friends
You'll see what he will do, Ms. Evil, you'll see.
You're impotent god hasn't ever done anything except be impotent. No reason to think he will change now. Also,
Ms. Evil, you don't seem to adhere to this: "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night." Huh? Your delight is making mockery of he who is divine which cannot be a decent strategy to live by. How does that feel? You must be a terribly sad person day and night to let your mouth say such things as if they are just mere social banter. If only you were under someone who could reteach you the law of God the right way. Hopefully, they teach you not to put blind trust in men and in science. No. Not all science is wrong, but your feint knowledge in it is evil. But you already know this. You are just unwilling to change due to stubbornness but I have hope in you. Oh, and it's your by the way. You must be hard pressed in your arrogance to make that type of mistake.
How does that feel?
Potent, unlike your god, who, of course, is impotent.
You must be a terribly sad person day and night to let your mouth say such things as if they are just mere social banter.
Oh, no dear, this isn't social banner. I don't discuss how impotent your god is in polite company, only with those blustering about how tough their do-nothing impotent Viagra poster boy is.
If only you were under someone who could reteach you the law of God the right way.
Well, you've already fantasized about beating me and forcing your mouth on me against my will (that's sexual assault, BTW), so it doesn't surprise me that you would want to put a man in a position of power over me to tell me how impure I am because I have my period, at least according to your god who was so impotent he couldn't stand a woman on her period, the way he made her.
Not all science is wrong, but your feint knowledge in it is evil. But you already know this.
Try that again and have it make sense this time. As it is, it's rather limp and impotent, like you-know-who.
Oh, and it's your by the way. You must be hard pressed in your arrogance to make that type of mistake.
Actually, since you're quoting me, you should have written that as "it's 'your', by the way", with proper quotations and a comma. Next time you, a man who fantasized about beating a woman, sexually assaulting her and forcing her to learn how much lesser she is under the tutelage of an impotent man, tries to smugly correct someone, at least try to make sure you aren't making two mistakes when you do it.
It just makes your comment so godly when you do that. By "godly", of course, I mean impotent.
Oh, how humorous of you. You are the only one truly impotent because you use that word so many times. Perhaps you like it so much because it describes you? That's probably what it is. You blame all worlds problems on him not doing anything when it's us as humans who've done nothing of value at all. He tries to give us the power but people like you don't want it. You see, you just want to shift the blame on him by calling him names like a child. But it's you who's truly impotent, as you care not to actually do anything to believe and trust in the Lord which is of real value. Instead, you do something unproductive like making mockery of him. Now that's impotent. And to use you're instead of your is a kindergarten mistake. Mines, not so much.
You are the only one truly impotent because you use that word so many times.
The best you can do is attempt to now try to co-opt my comments and use them?
How impotent, just like your god. Let me know when you've got anything original, smart, clever or funny to say. You know, original, smart, clever or funny to people do don't fantasize about impotently beating and sexually assaulting women.
And to use you're instead of your is a kindergarten mistake. Mines, not so much.
Forgot the quotes again and added an 's' where there shouldn't be one. Again, if you want to try to correct others, make sure you aren't being cocked up yourself. When you are, your comments are just so impotent.
Anyway, I'm off to bed. Let me know if you manage to come up with anything not impotent.
The hand of god......
You tell me to not co-apt yet you continue to use my words to say that I was fanaticizing about abusing you. No. I simply said that if you were my child, you'd be silenced by my left hand. That had absolutely nothing to do with my imagination or dream especially since I've never seen you once before. That was just my fatherly instinct which is something you so desperately need and deserve. And I've no idea where you got that sexually assaulting you from. You just like putting words in my mouth, huh? Word of advice, stop trying to be victim just because you're a woman. This isn't the 19th century.
"Again, if you want to try to correct others, make sure you aren't being cocked up yourself. When you are, your comments are just so impotent." Should I say the same for you, and is that all you got, Miss Evil? The constant blasting use of that word just to try to give me some heartburn? I've had my share of heartburn and that just makes it cooler because it's exactly what you think God to mean. He's a lot more than that and you know it. It's embarrassing you keep saying it to make yourself feel better about your dysfunctional relationship with him. And good grief, at least change it up everyone in a while instead of using the same term so often. Don't you know "anything original, smart, clever or funny to say"? Apparently, neither of us do.
...It's your turn Viv.
You tell me to not co-apt yet you continue to use my words to say that I was fanaticizing about abusing you. No. I simply said that if you were my child, you'd be silenced by my left hand.
"I didn't say I would beat you, I just said I would hit you until you shut up!".
Wow, not even man enough to own up to your own words. How.... impotent.
And I've no idea where you got that sexually assaulting you from. You just like putting words in my mouth, huh?
Because grabbing a kissing women against their will, something you said you would do after you beat me, is sexual assault. How impotent of you not to know that.
Should I say the same for you, and is that all you got, Miss Evil?
Should? Of course not. How impotent of you to even ask that question.
And good grief, at least change it up everyone in a while instead of using the same term so often. Don't you know "anything original, smart, clever or funny to say"?
If the tiny, tiny banana hammock fits, I must use "impotent". I mean, your impotent penisless god doesn't even get a tiny banana hammock, so, you know, you got that going for you.
No. I simply said that if you were my child, you'd be silenced by my left hand.....looter
..........................................................................Maybe I Should Have Thought That Through..