So matter what ........if we are JW's or x-jw's the world seems so much smaller.....we find them all over.
It is alot more fun to find EX-JW's and compare notes; always a good time.
by Euphemism 13 Replies latest jw experiences
So matter what ........if we are JW's or x-jw's the world seems so much smaller.....we find them all over.
It is alot more fun to find EX-JW's and compare notes; always a good time.
Sally... we were still in the early stages of fading. We were still making most meetings, and going out in field service once or twice a month. It wasn't much, but because we had both been "strong" publishers for a long time, and Piph is an elder's daughter, the brothers didn't give us flack.
As to why we planned on getting married in the KH... the plans were made some time ago, before our opinions about the Witnesses were firmly set. Trying to change our plans would not only have been impractical, it would have drawn suspicion and made fading harder.
As it turned out, a "friend" in whom we had confided snitched to the elders two days before the wedding, and we ended up having to change to an outdoor location last minute. Luckily, the weather was good, and we were quite glad to not have a Kingdom Hall in our pictures.
Euph, Wow I can't wait to meet an xjw who I don't know --- you know one of those cool experiences that you had. How neat for you and Piph.
Some friend! Well, I wish you the best on your road together. I know what its like to have all your hopes and friends in the truth and then suddenly you are on the outside looking it for a while. Then you find peace and new friends. Its hard for me sometimes to reason out my spirituality because I, too, was considered "strong" by the friends. I still have held on to many of the doctrines but I cannot bring myself to believe they have the whole truth or own the "truth".... They remind so much of the Pharisees of old.