Warning! Sappy Thread

by xjw_b12 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aztec

    Good idea for a thread David!

    I'm thankful that my son and I are both healthy. This is my favorite time of year as well. I love the leaves and pumpkins and gourds and everything just smells sweeter for some reason. I'm thankful for my friends (who I love dearly), for having a cult-free life, and most importantly for HOCKEY!


  • worldlygirl

    I just have to share this.... Many moons ago, I was a Sunday-school teacher in the Methodist church I attended for a class of 5-8 year olds. It was around this same time of year, and I went around the table and asked all the children to say one thing they were thankful for. Of course, I got all the usual responses... parents, family, health, etc. Then I got to this one little girl who was visiting from out of town, and whose family was very well-to-do, at least by our small-town standards. She very eloquently said, "I'm thankful that we're rich and that I don't have to live in this little place all the time. There is nothing to do here." Okay......

  • Xena

    Thankful for the break in hot weather....the cooling rain we have had recently....football and cheerleading......good friends who love you unconditionally even when you are cranky.....holidays that bring you closer together.....a new job with a lot less stress.....pumpkin pie and eggnog....so much to be thankful for...thank you for reminding me

  • StinkyPantz

    I'm thankful for Jon, a new cult-free life in "sunny" Orlando, and my new JWD friends.

  • xjw_b12

    Mr.Moe. Yes the weather at this time of year is awesome. But the threat of winter is just beyond.

    breal. Always great to go to someone else's house for dinner. Helps lesson the presuure. Especially when they are great cooks.

    Aztec. I think our northern U.S neighbours, share more of the thanksgiving feelings, at this time of year. By the time Thanksgiving occurs in the U.S. most of the upper states are already in winter, and thoughts are closer to Christmas. Thinking of you and your son today, looking forward to your job announcement, and taping up my hockey stick.

    wordlygirl. Did that little girl grow up to be Martha Stewart?

    Xena. Sometimes it's too easy to be complaintive. It takes a little more depth to stand back and appreciate where we have come from, and how much better off we actually are. btw pumpkin pie and egg nog sound great. I've never heard of that combination before, but it makes sense.

  • morty

    Turkey was awsome.........had the whole family here....I am sooooo thankful for all my family being xjws.It really feels like a real family now.I was thinking of the ones that could not share the experience I had today.



    Hey, Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to my fellow Canucks, and my American buds who snuck across the border for some goodies.

    The leaves are beginning to change here in the Toronto area.

    Yes, the sign of autumn: pumpkins, squash, gourds, apples (McIntosh..yummy), and tons of other harvest items.

    Weather is cooler of course, and this past week here in southern Ontario has been awesome!!!

    Tomorrow, Monday, I am going to partake of some Thanksgiving dinner at my Filipino friend's place.

    It's a lovely time of year. The fall colour changes are simply spectacular.

    I will get down into the Don Valley here in the city with my camera over the next couple of weeks.

    I'll post the pics here, probably when everything is white..........again.

  • cruzanheart

    I am thankful for my family (including bassets), my house (which I love dearly), my friends (of whom you are very much 90%), my life (where the good times have usually outweighed the bad), and the beauty of this earth (the changing seasons, the diversity, the ecology, the LIFE). As Tom Hanks' character in "Joe vs. The Volcano" said: "Dear God, whose name I do not know, I thank you for my life. I didn't know it was so BIG."



  • Special K
    Special K

    I haven't had time to be in the forum the past couple days.. been busy getting everything ready for thanksgiving tomorrow.

    I'm so THANKFUL that I'm not a J.W. anymore.

    My immediate family love thanksgiving and right after the meal .. we all sit down and each of us tell what we have to be thankful for this past year. It's interesting to hear . what the kids say they are thankful for..and sometimes quite humourous.

    gobble gobble to all fellow Canadians tomorrow..

    best wishes

    Special K

  • SixofNine

    I've written a little song for this thread *snif* See if it chokes you up like it does me.

    We thank you Jehovah
    each day and each night
    that you shine upon us your glorious light

    We thank you for giving us your active force
    the sisters in Russia and their good borstch

    *needle scraaaaaaatch*

    Actually, I'm kinda hung up at that last line


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