What are YOUR Dreams Like?

by MrMoe 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • oldcrowwoman

    Dreams are and is part of my therapy. Very vivid. powerful and empowering at times.

    Last spring I dreamt of snakes in my house. All different patterns and colors. The gift from the dream is that I am shedding old skin. Old ways of my life. Definitely of letting go what no longer works for me.

    I had a dream mixed with family and ex-husband. With out letting me know we were moving to a town . I did'nt want to go there. I realized that I am adult now. I can make my own decisions. And I decided I am not moving there. What a empowering dream. Wow. I am close to 60 yrs old. I have been feeling good ever since than. A huge marker on my path. I am a adult now!!

    Celebrate Celebrate Celebrate

    OLd Crow

  • luna

    I've had really odd dreams lately....

    I keep having tornado dreams, where houses, friends, family, everything gets picked up by tornados and carried away. Sounds kind-of silly, but they're REALLY vivid and real.....I keep having those.

    Than, the other night, I had a dream where I was staying in a hotel on the beach w/ what seemed like everyone I know, and there ended up being all these Tidal waves that kept coming in and covering the hotel, and things/people kept getting pulled out to sea. Again, really vivid.

    Maybe these have something to do w/ the JW upbringing...who knows. I wake up thinking "what the ****??"


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