may you have peace!
According to JWs Christ established his Kingdom in the heavens in 1914 and subsequently cast Satan out of heaven then. And they point to Rev. 12:7-9 for "proof." However, Rev. 12:7-9 mentions Michael the archangel as doing that feat; neither Christ nor 1914 are mentioned. There are even more problems for this interpretation.
1. If it were true that the Devil and his angels remained in heaven until the year 1914, how was it possible for the Devil to be present on earth when Christ was alive on earth? Matt. 4:1 tells about the Devil tempting Christ.
2. And who was it that tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden? Gen. 3
3. And how could Christ say that he had already seen Satan cast out way before 1914? Luke 10:18 If Jesus saw Satan cast out of heaven, there was no way for him to have access back to heaven. And there was no need for Christ to do in 1914 what Michael had already done.
1. Satan and his angels were cast out in 30 CE... shortly after my Lord entered into heaven to present his sacrifice. Once my Lord was inaugurated as king and began to rule... he gave the command... and Michael and his angels battled... and prevailed. Satan and his angels... although still in the spirit "realm"... were cast out of "heaven" in that realm... and can now only access this realm. They do so... through living beings, human and animal alike (they must use that which has life blood in it and not something inanimate).
2. That was Satan. Before being cast out... he had access to both heaven and earth. That is why he responded as he did when being questioned regarding Job (after taking his station IN HEAVEN... he replied, "In the earth and roving about in it.") Spirit beings have always had access to this realm; that is why Jacob saw a ladder/stairway with them asceding and descending.
3. Because 30 CE is before 1914 AD. Well before. And you are correct on your assumption.
Some of these fallen angels(Gen. 6:1-6) are no longer even on earth. See Jude 6 and 2 Pet. 2:4-10
These are not the same as cast out with Satan. The angels that sinned in Genesis were cast out then. Thus, they could not enter again... so as to be cast out when Satan was. These were the ones who asked my Lord when he was on earth, "Are you here to abyss us now?" They were abyssed when my Lord sent them into the swine, who then went into the sea. Thus, Peter said, they were bound... reserved in Tartarus.
When Satan was cast out, however, he was not abyssed, nor were his angels. He WILL be abyssed, upon my Lord's return. His angels, Magog, will not be abyssed... but will simply be destroyed at Har-Maggedon.
Why would St. Peter say before 1914 that the Devil is already "prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to eat. Stand up to him, strong in faith.?." (1 Pet. 5:8-9)
Because Satan was/is neither in heaven nor abyssed when Peter wrote this. He (Satan) has been cast down to US... to the earth. Thus, woe... to the earth... and those upon it. But... rather than blame our "woe" on Satan... we blame God.
Up until the redemption Satan was lord of this world (1John 5:19) but the death of Christ was a complete perfect victory over the Devil, his demons and sin. "It was to undo all that the Devil has done, that the Son of God appeared." (1John 3:8). This didn't have to wait until 1914. See also Matt. 12:27, 28
Satan is STILL the ruler/lord over this world. He will be... until he is destroyed. As long as he can mislead... he rules. What was "undone" is that which he has done to those who belong to the Christ. To those who do not... they are still bound to him. He... is their "father" and "god".
Moreover, Christ's death destroyed the power of Satan over men by making availabe to them the grace necessary for salvation and santification. John 12:31 See also St. Paul's explanation in Col. 1:9-14. Through his crucifixion Christ disarmed the demonic powers, the "principalities" and "authorities." (Col. 2:15) Likewise, angels, authorities, and powers are subdued to Christ long before 1914. (1 Pet. 3:22).
For those who accept the VALUE of such death... yes: "Therefore, if the SON sets you FREE... you are truly free." If the Son has NOT set you free... you are still... bound.
James 4:7 "Subject yourselves, therefore, to God; but oppose the Devil and he will flee from you." NWT
I bid you peace.
A slave of Christ,