OK, after 10 years of being qualified, and setting up 100's of blood transfusions as a nurse, I wonder how the society would judge me. Personally I wouldn't take blood myself, but in my job if that is what is prescribed and the patients (99%) of them have consented, then it is my duty to follow medical directions, otherwise I would be professionally negligent in my care. I have no problem with this as each patient makes an informed consent as to their treatment.
I wonder though, had I been active as a JW, whether this would be grounds for re-proof or even less likely D/F. I thought about this more today as we had a Witness patient who was being "pressured" into taking a transfusion. The patient of course refused, and I was more than happy to support them, and contacted the HLC for advice.
Waffling here, but you get my drift.......... where would you stand?