wt INC and it's enforcers are showing their true colours. They do not care for the care, the need of the sheep, but their corporate masters' well being. This is apparently done all over the North. to increase travel time and to speed global warming. Also to stress the elderly more, to speed the harvesting of their estates. Also to draw certain boundaries for better control by the controller (comptrollers)
Local halls, build by local brothers and sisters with local funds, for local needs, endowed by local faithful, expropriated, confiscated by wt INC through legal maneuvering, now sold for profit.
and you thought Russia was bad. think not only distant Bears, but local wolves.
16 congregations will cease to exist
In these16 congregations, no more young ones will have platform time, The boring parts, comments will be dominated by the fewer, boring participants.
"The workers are few[er], the harvest of (funds) great" have fun!
Dont forget to watch the voting joke, when the resolutions are passed.Remember this religion is against voting. politics,