On a side note April 01st, is it a joke ?? Gullible I am
Big Announcement in Montreal
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara 44 Replies latest jw experiences
I can bet that some families will complain because they may be sent to different congregations and gramma and grampa can't see the grandchildren. Or separated from their long-time friends. Or have to drive farther. Or have to be in a "bad" neighborhood. Or have to be around people that they don't like and changed congregations because of that.
Blondie ...
Or not being close to the Tim Horton's donut shop they normally go to.
Rub a Dub
Introvert 2
True story : When the Tim Horton's near the St-Jérome Qc. Lafontaine Hall got built on the 117 one of our elders explained out how great it'll be to have coffees there during service breaks.. and even filled me in on his first visit and how accommodating the staff was to them being dressed up JW and all, you know bragging rights. -
Anders Andersen
Let me guess....some of these congregations have had issues with child abuse. Dissolving all of them, shuffling the cards, and starting all over with 'new' congregations (legal entities) helps protect Watchtower from the child abuse lawsuit brewing in Canada....?
Beth Sarim
""Let me guess....some of these congregations have had issues with child abuse. Dissolving all of them, shuffling the cards, and starting all over with 'new' congregations (legal entities) helps protect Watchtower from the child abuse lawsuit brewing in Canada....?""
Sounds about right. There have been rumoured to be 2 separate multi-million lawsuits brewing in Canada.
blondie the watchtower have already thought of that they produced a video about some people assigned to going to the north cong and some people assingned to the south cong and the wisdom from watchtower was DO AS YOU ARE TOLD
Montreal eh. I guess alot of folks will be then scheduled to travel greater distances in snow and icy conditions when they occur with the predictable castigation if they fail to.
JW GoneBad
Sixteen Congregations and three Kingdom Halls in April 2019...that's a whopper!
what I don't get is if the halls have been bought and paid for many years ago, why do this to the friends? Why not let them keep their hall? Selling only makes sense if they can't afford the overhead like utilities and stuff,