When Loved Ones Do Not Share Your Faith - 11/8/03 Awake!

by Funchback 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Funchback

    I picked and chose the more interesting quotes.

    "How should Christians treat loved ones who do not share their faith?"

    "No time limit is implied in the command at Exodous 20:12 to 'honor your father and your mother.' In fact, in Jesus' discussion of this command, recorded at Matthew 15:4-6, it is obvious that he was speaking of the honor that adult children would render to their parents."

    "It is clear from the Scriptures that we should not neglect our parents. The fact that our parents do not accept our religion does not cancel or relationship with them. These Bible principles apply similarly to other blood relations and to one's marriage mate. Clearlrly, Christians remain morally and Scriptually obligated to love their relatives."

    "Of course, the Bible warns against bad association, and this influence could come from one's immediate relatives...True Christians should not compromise their faith to please others, not even their relatives."

    "In some situations parents or other loved ones vehemently fight against the beliefs of a Christian. Some may even become enemies of true Christianity. In such cases Christians take reasonable steps to protect their spirituality." (In other words, "RUNNNNNNNNN....")

    "In most cases, however, Christians do not face severe opposition from their loved ones. Their relatives simply do not share the same understanding of Bible teachings. The Holy Scriptures encourage Christ's followers to treat unbelievers 'with mildness' and 'deep respect.' "


    "Many who are not true Christians love their parents and other rleatives and communicate regularly with them regardless of their religious affiliation. Should Christian Witnesses do any less?"

  • jwbot

    They consider anyone who is not a witness to be abad association...so...basically...treat every family member like crap if they left the religion or are never going to join...LOVING!

  • rocketman

    The final part of the quote is pretty good. Too many jws, busy with running around to jw things, neglect visits, etc to their parents, and I think that's when issues arise.

    As far as the part about "bad association" and opposition, there they go spewing more rhetoric.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I knew it was coming, eventually. They are going to start inserting insidious messages into the texts in the next year about shunning relatives who are known to be "vehemently" against the JW's. They are afraid the apostates are getting to those "true Christians" faster than they can indoctrinate. I was never baptized, but I can already see/feel the changes.


  • kj

    This is exactly the kind of crap I've been afraid of. My mother knows that I'm opposed to the JWs and will never be one. I was wondering how long it would be before they suggested that unbelieving family member could be a danger to their spiritual strength. Can anyone bring up a scan of this article? I'd like a copy for my records.


  • uriah

    It's that damned 'ones' again. How I hate that.

    They are not 'ones' they are people, relatives, brothers, sisters, aunts etc.

    These ones

    Weak ones

    Selfish ones

    up yer bums

    Sorry but it really p****es me off, these bloody labels.

  • metatron

    Pure Butt-Covering. Notice this comes from the Awake magazine and has NOTHING TO DO with the Service Dept or REAL

    POWER in the Watchtower Society. Nothing - and I mean NOTHING in this article will make the least dent in the glorious

    cult-enforced practice of SHUNNING. You can "mark" anyone you want, you can hate anyone you want, and SHUNNING

    is ENFORCED, not love or forgiveness.

    The Awake's purpose is "Truth Lite" - to present a nice, friendly, reasonable appearance to hook people into

    the sterile life of 5 meetings a week and an imaginary ministry. In no way does the Awake reflect the cold truth

    about the "truth".


  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    What really gets me is they say this out of one corner of their mouth to the rank a file, then have the nerve to say we don't break up families. What a load of crap!!!!!!

  • shamus

    Yes, pure butt covering is all it is. Read between the lines and see what the hell they are trying to say.... then, see what others in the "Loving" congregation have to say... from there, persons leave their families alone.

    Butt covering.

    What about if one is disfellowshipped? Wouldn't you say that the ten commandments outweigh the scripture that says to "stop assosiating with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator". Well, your parents are not your "brothers". They are your parents, worthy of double respect.


  • Jourles

    Is it me, or is the Awake starting to have more and more new light lately rather than the Watchtower? I always thought the primary vehicle for new light was through the Watchtower?

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