When Loved Ones Do Not Share Your Faith - 11/8/03 Awake!

by Funchback 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Nikita
    "In some situations parents or other loved ones vehemently fight against the beliefs of a Christian. Some may even become enemies of true Christianity. In such cases Christians take reasonable steps to protect their spirituality." (In other words, "RUNNNNNNNNN....")

    Umm, yeah, that's me.... "Leslie, enemy of all who stand for the Truth Governing Body--watch out!"


  • badwillie

    This is the shit that REALLY pisses me off!!!

    I hate the F#@king Watchtower Sickciety!!! There... I'm better now.

  • Elsewhere
    "No time limit is implied in the command at Exodous 20:12 to 'honor your father and your mother.'

    Damn... right ouf of the gate they tell the kids that they MUST adhere to the instructions of their "JW" parents, undoubtedly resulting in there being forced to be JWs too.

    They know that the kids are leaving and they are trying to stop it.

  • caligirl

    What they miss is that "honoring" your parents does not mean that you have to agree with them, or follow the belief system they chose to raise us with. They are confusing honor with fear and implying that you are DIS honoring them by makling choices contrary to what they want you to do.

    The blatant presumption that they are the "true" christans and warning that other relative can be a threat to the "true" christan. They are the ones that are the threat to true christianity!! And they conveniently leave out the fact that if you leave AFTER you have known the "truth" been a member that all that advice to honor and love your relative is out the window- does not apply. No longer necessary, in fact you are ordered encouraged not to have anything to do with them! They are so fond of "truth", then they should not be afraid to admit the WHOLE truth in their trashy tree wasting magazine!

    This all makes me so angry!

  • minimus

    Love and honor them-----AS LONG AS THEY ARE NOT CONSIDERED APOSTATES! That is the point of the article.

  • cruzanheart
    Christians remain morally and Scriptually obligated to love their relatives

    Doesn't that just make you feel warm and fuzzy all over? Yep, I know I'd love to have my husband or my little ones snuggle up to me and whisper "Mommy, I am morally and Scripturally obligated to love you."

    Nina (of the Excuse-Me-While-I-Go-Barf class)

  • gumby

    I remember years ago, what my wife said after she became a witness concerning her then worldly family.....she said, " we just don't have anything in common anymore".

    She meant that since her relatives did not discuss things witnesses discuss.......then there was nothing to talk about. Frankly.....I don't think witnesses today, talk to each other any different than they would to a non- witness.I guess it was different years ago.


    edited to add,


    Christians remain morally and Scriptually obligated to love their relatives

    Doesn't that just make you feel warm and fuzzy all over?

    Excellent point. The society has used this phrase in so many situations that it makes you sick how demoralizing that comment is.

  • DIM

    JW's are like the nazis crossed with the catholics. and i mean that in the worst possible way. although it is sort of funny in a not so funny way.

  • La Capra
    La Capra

    When one does not "honor" one's parents, one runs the risk of getting cut out of the will. Of this, I am sure, the WTBS is frightfully aware. There is a financial incentive for the WTBS to remind its readers to maintain good familial relationships with potential benefactors. Or am I just looking at this from too pecuniary an angle? Shoshana

  • metatron


    This speaks volumes - about how you are "obligated" to love!

    how very sad


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