Edited to add that this is not original material, but a post I found on a Toronto job search newsgroup. Some of the original work was removed because of potentially offensive content. But I can definitely relate to some of the sentiments here.
I'm tired.
There are some things I used to ignore or tolerate, but I've reached my breaking point, and I just can't take this anymore. Don't get me wrong, it's nothing to do with personal issues or economy or family life or health or anything. I'm tired of what I see around me. Maybe it's time for that little boy who yelled out the fact that the emperor is not wearing any clothes to come back and yell some more.
I'm just tired of seeing what's happening around me. I also know that times change and the planet evolves, but at some point, I have to yell out the old clich‚ : "Stop the world, I want to get off!" I want to go back to the way thing were. I can't keep up with the changes. And as I age, I don't like what I see.
I'm tired of rap.
I'm tired of every commercial that targets kids only, with more rap, and everyone pointing their hands and fingers while waving their arms around in that funny rap way.
I'm tired of what passes for comedy these days, insults, put downs and ridiculing a character, instead of witty or funny remarks.
I'm tired of all the political and religious killings.
I'm tired of kids protesting every stupid cause. Adults don't protest. Adults are too busy worrying about their jobs, mortgage, family, health and leaky basement. One day, everyone becomes an adult. But there will always be kids who think they can change the world. Guess what. Not gonna happen. So paint your face and bang on the plastic pail. One day, you too will have hemorrhoids and a gut, and forget the whole thing.
I'm tired of athletes that make more money in one game that I will in 10 years.
I'm also tired of athletes who are only in it for the money, not the passion of the sport, and that's why they don't play their heart out like they did 30 years ago.
I'm tired of endless commercials on TV. Whatever happened to the 2 minute 2 second breaks? I clock some channels at 4 minutes.
I'm tired of stock market news.
I'm tired of the greed I see around me of people who invest in this and that to get rich quick, pouring all their spare and borrowed money into stocks, instead of enjoying life, going on trips, etc. Guess what folks, 1.It's only money. 2. You can't take it with you.
I'm tired of people complaining about the price of groceries, something we all need to live, while pissing away a fortune in lottery tickets, unneccessary cell phones, investing in stocks, buying every kids video that ever came out, leasing SUV's, and designer sports clothes. Food, you need. Pay for it, eat it and shut up.
I'm tired of every special interest group getting their way, which ultimately affects my life.
I'm tired of political correctness.
I'm tired of reality shows.
I'm tired of mouthy smartass kids that know more than their dumbass parents on every movie and TV show.
I'm tired of seeing kids emulate the kids they see on TV.
I'm tired of burnt out drug head rock stars getting their own TV shows and becoming national heroes because they swear every other word.
I'm tired of fashion changing every 6 months. You used to count on a hairstyle or shoe style or trend to last a few years. Now, 4 - 6 months and everything is new.
I'm tired of no talent robot voiced pop stars.
I'm tired of everyone singing that style where they have to cram 34 notes into every bar, their voices unable to hold one note for more than 1/32 of a second. Where are the good singers?
I'm tired of everyone feeling the need to wear sports labels and insignias on their clothing. Does that make you a special or better person in everyones eyes? No. It tells them you are insecure, and feel the need to feel important, displaying a logo on your shirt or hat.
I'm tired of a new fad diet every 3 months.
I'm tired of smokers feeling offended for not being able to give me cancer in restaurants. Ok, I smoke too, but I do it outside.
I'm tired of plastic cars that can't handle a 2 mph bump without causing $1000 damage.
I'm tired of downsizing. Not companies, but I'll get to that later.
I'm tired of finding the containers in my supermarket getting smaller and smaller. Every 6 months, the sauce, the yogurt, the pasta, the sugar, the cereal is 3 - 5 grams less. Look, I'll pay the extra 3 cents, just stop shrinking the containers. I'm tired of running out of something sooner.
I'm tired of corporate downsizing. I miss seeing receptionists in company lobbies.
I'm tired of "Press 2 for accounting, Press 1 for English, Press 4 for Mr. Smith's voice mail"
I'm tired of people getting divorced over the most petty things like which way they hang the toilet paper, then fighting over who gets the salt and pepper shakers. Get a life.
I'm tired of hearing people complain about the bitter cold, then turn on the air conditioner in their cars the first day it gets mild.
I'm tired of hearing people cut the grass at 9 PM.
I'm tired of not getting customer service. Every time I make a purchase, some kid grabs my merchandise, rings it through, stuffs it in a bag, takes my money, and hands me the receipt, without any greetings, smile, or thank you.
I'm tired of being talked down to by the same kid when I inquire about a certain product, as if I just came over from Mongolia.
I'm tired of seeing and hearing little cars with black windows that drive past me at 4 times the posted speed, with that loud THUMP THUMP THUMP blasting out of the speakers.
Yes, I am tired, and I could use another drink.