How far do we get away from 1914

by PimoElder 134 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ozziepost
    im a bit agnostic about the Bible and God. I don’t claim it to be the truth but there might be bits of truth there, and as I said before I like the good things about being in the org

    OK I’m going to call you out on this.

    A person claiming to be both an elder and an agnostic ? I don’t buy it.

    So you give Public Talks?

    So you lead congregation prayer ?

    So you participate in elders meetings?

    So you front up during C O visits ?


    That takes some believing!

  • Judgerussellford

    A huge problem with thier interpretation of this prophecy was the date fixed at 607 bce. Even in brother Patons book day dawn (published by watchtower 1880) they used the dates accepted by almost every historian, 536/537 bce. (Hope I remembered that right if I'm wrong please correct me). They used different math in the 1800s to arrive at 1914 but now they use a different interpretation of the 70 weeks and needed a new date. So they shoved 607 in there and its FAR from historically accurate. For this historical truth Carl Olaf Johnson was disfellowshipped but the gb. If I'm remembering anything wrong I accept correction

  • Mikejw

    I guess by 2030 give or take a few years they will have to admit they were wrong again about 1914. Of course it will be presented as exciting new light.

    If they don’t have some new light about 1914 and we get to late 2030s then that is to far away from 1914 even with the overlapping new light

  • Phizzy

    They are stuck with 1914 for a while yet, as they have to keep the idea of an imminent Armageddon in the minds of J.W's, or many more would leave.

    They have debated at the top level many times over the decades how to extricate themselves from the 1914 nonsense, and came up with nothing that would work to keep the Org. going for perpetuity. Hence the stop-gap Overlapping Generation nonsense.

    The REAL problem they have is simply expressed as :

    No 1914 = No choosing by Jesus in 1919 = The Governing Body are self-appointed Charlatans.

    I have no doubt they will extricate themselves from this impasse, but mainly by burying the teachings in a miasma of "New Light", until 1914 is as forgotten and irrelevant as Russell's Pyramidology.

  • Mikejw

    No 1914 = No choosing by Jesus in 1919 = The Governing Body are self-appointed Charlatans.

    I have no doubt they will extricate themselves from this impasse, but mainly by burying the teachings in a miasma of "New Light", until 1914 is as forgotten and irrelevant as Russell's Pyramidology.


    I have noticed for a while now that 1914 is not talked about hardly at all recently (last decade)

    I wonder if someone could do a search and a chart how often 1914 was mentioned in the 20th century compared to the 21st?

    the last 21 and a half years has hardly even mentioned 1914 compared to when I was pioneering in the 90s

    they are trying to distance themselves from the 77 week prophecy because they now know it was wrong

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    Hey MikeJW, I was just thinking about this issue of "1914" use statistics in the publications, A knew guy popped up here a few weeks back and he had written a program to scour all the online publications and tabulate scripture use for each year. He should be able to do a 1914 search and graph the use of it over time.


  • cyberjesus

    They will never admit they are wrong. They always have new light.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Until 1942 it was stated that 606 BCE was the date for the destruction of Jerusalem. Then someone realised adding 2520 years to 606 did not give 1914 (no zero year) and as they already had the answer they wanted from CTR's pyramidology they changed to 607 BCE.

    This new date appeared in "The truth shall make you free" and further in "The kingdom is at hand" the following year.

    All the old WT publications prior to this era use 606 BCE and of course 536 BCE for the return, this too had to be changed.


  • Iamnoone

    Don't have a clue about 1914 thing you are talking about

  • Iamnoone

    ²peter3:8 talks about a day is like a thound yrs.

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