by integ 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • integ

    I received this E-mail from a friend of a friend of a friend who was at the secret annual meeting. Here it is:

    Hi Brothers and Sisters,

    Our 2004 year text, Matt. 24:42, is very timely indeed. As Brother Barr pointed out in his talk, even among us there is NOT A SENSE OF READINESS, as we are always sidetracked by the lures of this system of things. At the annual meeting yesterday Bro. Barr gave a wonderful talk on the new year text which is: Matthew 24:42, (this part only) "Keep on the watch,.....Prove yourselves ready," He spoke about no one knowing the day or hour, only the Father. Therefore the admonition to be ready at anytime or any day. He emphasized that in Noah's day they took no note. They said that even among Jehovah's people there is not a sense of readiness. We are getting side-tracked due to the fact that the end has not come yet. We need to strengthen one another. This reminds me of today's lesson, paragraph 18, "As we walk with God, He delivers us from Satan's world, guides us by means of His word and His Organization, and protects us as a group when we are under attack by opposers. We thus have ample reason to hold on tightly to the hand of our heavenly Father as we walk with him through stormy final leg of journey to something far greater than the ancient promised land- God's righteous new world".

    Your Brother,


    --How spiritually refreshing.


  • Gozz

    Matthew 24: 42 "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.

    ... But He comes quickly! Soon! Not so?

  • Special K
    Special K

    Oh.. Man..

    They just keep on going and going.. sort of like those Lemmings, who all follow each other even if they are all following over a cliff.

    Same old carrot being dangled.. the paradise..

    Same old phobia's instilled.. fear of Armageddon coming and wont be doing enough for the governing body men..

    sad.. but true

    thanks for the topic post


    Special K

  • invictus

    the only way to keep their stronghold is to keep repeating same old,same old; new generations of unfortunate ones have to be properly brainwashed.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    " This is not the time to be toying with the words of Jesus that "concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father." (Matt. 24:36) "

    -- The Watchtower, August 15,1968, pages.494-501 "Why Are You Looking Forward to 1975?"

  • amac

    Thanks for the post, good info. For clarification's sake though, it's not a secret meeting. We had a review of the contents from the stage in our congregation because one of the elders was in attendance. The whole meeting seemed like a pretty weak attempt to stir up convictions.

  • frankiespeakin

    According to those words of Jesus, Christians are always to be on the watch.

    If you look closely at Matthew 24 or Luke 21 or Mark 13 we see the Jesus warns us "against" looking at natural disasters, wars, earthquakes, or food shortages, as being a sign of his comming because this is what people naturally have a tendency to do, and this is exactly what Jesus warned his disciples not to do.

    Jesus said that he would come in an hour we least likely expect it, thus the need to be on the watch, for: "his coming" not some "preliminary signs" to indicate his coming his close.

    Jesus also said to be on of watch for false to prophets that would say he has come or the time is at hand (mark 13:21 luke 21:8) And this is exactly what the WT has done.

    Christian should always be on the watch, this a good thing which helps us live our lives as Jesus lived his,,, doing good,,, and avoiding badness. We should always live our lives with the thought that we could die tomorrow or that Jesus Christ could come tomorrow, that doesn't mean we don't make furure plans for retirement or seeing to it that our children get a good education, it means living life with out the entanglements of sin.

  • RubaDub

    I spoke with a friend on the phone that attended and he told me there was nothing new this year. Same format, similar experiences, interviews, as last year except this year it ended on time.

    **** Rub a Dub

  • xjw_b12

    And if that letter had been written in 1903, it would have been worded the same.

  • rocketman
    And if that letter had been written in 1903, it would have been worded the same.

    Very true xjw, very true.


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