If you have young children and you are shunned by other family members what you have told your children about why?
My son (4) and I need to have a chat soon and I'm really not certain what I am going to say to him. He loves his Auntie and Uncle and Gramma and he wants to see them. I dont think I did the right thing when I took him to our family reunion a couple months ago because ever since then he wants to be with and talk about them. It absolutely is heartbreaking to hear him tell me when he gets a new toy or draws a picture that he cant wait to show it to his uncle or gramma when they come over.
I know we need to talk about why we cant go visit and why they wont ever visit us but I dread this conversation because I think it could really hurt him even at his age. So far I've been saying that we live too far away but he's a freakin brilliant kid and sooner or later thats not going to fly.
Eventually, I will just tell him the truth..but just as much as he can comprehend at his age, but I cant seem to figure out how to word it. I dont want to sever the limited relationship we have with the few of my family and I'm a little nervous that he will say something to them about it on the phone as soon as we have our talk because he is upset.
Is there a way to keep it nice and simple and not traumatize him?