Explain your politics

by logansrun 31 Replies latest social current

  • logansrun

    Political threads seem to be the one which generate the most vitriolic arguments on this board. Please stay away from arguments in this thread.

    I'd like to know what type of political philosophy YOU enodorse, not just some results from an on-line test. Furthermore, I'd like to know WHY you feel the way you do and what criticisms could be laid against your philosophy. (If you can't name any criticisms or drawbacks then it's nothing more than an ideology -- no thanks)

    On economics, do you favor totally free markets or a redistributionist system (socialism)? Is there a happy medium? It seems to me that some libertarians take the capitalist view a little too far, to the point where it seems cold and heartless. (I read where one libertarian thinker said that the only social responsibility a corporation had was to deliver a profit to its shareholders. Ugh) On the other hand, radical leftists seem to be overly sentimental about certain issues to the point of being unfair to others.

    On international agenda setting: should the US get more involved in global affairs or should we pursue an isolationist course?

    I think the enviornment is one of the issues which needs to be given our attention for the VERY SURVIVAL OF OUR SPECIES. What measures can be inacted to drastically improve the situation without drastically ruining our economy.

    The foundation of a democratic society is communication. Enlighten me. Let us reason.


  • Hamas


    As regards the economy side... my brain hurts when I think about economy so I won't comment ... I'd love to, but I would make such a silly statement then try pig headedly to back it up later after people attack it, even though I know i'm wrong.

    Erm, I think America should butt out of everybody's business. Each country should sort out its own problems, and American interfernce just seems to screw it all up.

    I dont neglect the environment, but i'm not concerned about it. Neither are the US by the looks of it... still no kyoto agreement.

    Hopefully, man would have found a new home by the time this one starts to die... maybe in the NS.

    ..... by the way, congrats Jedi !

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I favor a regulated partially-free-enterprise system. Markets are the most efficient ways to distribute resources - but they are not the smartest. This isn't my idea - I saw it on the front page of the Wall Street Journal. Whenever regulations to protect the economy have been proposed, there has been fear and concern about the effect on jobs and existing industries. In every single case, new services and suppliers have sprung up to fill the new needs. Capitalsim is robust. But I question whether "redistribution" is the other end of the spectrum. It seems that in an unregulated market, the rich can confiscate from others. Confiscation is confiscation - can't make it OK.

    Bradley, you might like Paul Hawken's works on business and economy. The Ecology of Commerce is a good one, and helps describe how the true costs of producing and disposing of items can be calculated.

    I would be in favor of abolishing the progressive nature of the US taxation system with a flat tax IF loopholes for the rich and corporations were weeded out, and everyone paid their fair share. I fear that the accounting lobby would not let that happen, but they are not as powerful as they used to be... and payroll taxes vs. FICA and SocSec are a messy question as well.

    It seems that capitalism works as well as it does because we can count on humans to be motivated by profit a good deal of the time. Socialsim has been proven to be a bad deal in the Sino-Soviet sense in that we cannot count on enough humans to be motivated by altruism most of the time (Oh great, here come the Ayn Rand quotes:)

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I should add as an example that the "global economy" is more efficient, as jobs move to places with cheaper labor, less worker protection legislation, and less enviromental monitoring, but it is not neccesarily smarter - just cheaper.

  • Soledad
    I'd like to know what type of political philosophy YOU enodorse

    I'm sort of conservative. I cant pin down my philosophy to just one category, it depends on the topic.

    On economics, do you favor totally free markets or a redistributionist system (socialism)? Is there a happy medium?

    there can be a happy medium. I think the minimum wage should be raised. CEOs are far too overpaid. people need to spend more quality time with their families, but how can that happen if we are working too much just to make ends meet?

    on the other hand, socialism doesn't solve those basic issues. In socialist nations (take Cuba as an example) there is still far too many inequalities in standards of living. those who tow the party line enjoy a substantially higher standard of living than those who don't. GNP and GDP for that nation consistently declines year after year. many will argue that the US embargo has hurt that nation's economy. in my opinion socialism just doesnt work within the context of a rapidly changing global economy. it just keeps you back in the dark ages with the appearance of progress but in reality it's just a one party system that still benefits a small select few, just like capitalism.

    On international agenda setting: should the US get more involved in global affairs or should we pursue an isolationist course?

    I dont think the US has much of a choice as far as getting involved. We are involved.

    I think the enviornment is one of the issues which needs to be given our attention for the VERY SURVIVAL OF OUR SPECIES. What measures can be inacted to drastically improve the situation without drastically ruining our economy
    I think environmentalism is far too overrated. Of course we know of situations where big corporations have knowingly hurt the environment, and they were justly punished (in some cases) for doing so. But I'm generally dissatisfied with the environmentalism movement, at least how it's presented here in the US. I say that big Corps shouldn't get away with dumping toxic waste on 3rd world nations. Let's all use public transportation a little more, or carpool a little more ( I hate traffic jams ). But that's as far as I'll go. thanks for starting a good topic!
  • logansrun

    Thanks Phantom, I'll look that book up.


  • logansrun


    There's an old phrase, "It's the economy, stupid." It seems that when all is said and done that pretty much is true. It's the thing I'm trying to figure out the most ;)


    Although I greatly disagree with your comments on enviornmentalism (We're losing species by the shit-load every day and the hole in the ozone is dramatically increasing. Be concerened) I appreciate your comments.

    One of the reasons I started this thread is that politics is extremely confusing for me, even though I have devoted a lot of reading into the matter since leaving the dubs last year. I still consider myself an ameteur par excellance. Just today I was at the library and found books by educated authors with titles like, "Why the Left is Wrong" or "Where The Conservatives Have Failed." Do you know how mother-effing frustrating it is to form an educated opinion when you have such drastically different tones thrown at you. I want answers dammit.


    PS -- If anyone has any other book recommendations, by all means SHARE!

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I would have to say, Bradley, to read history first - then form your own opinions.

    Heinlein once said that a good historian tells you what happened, and lets you figure out why.

  • jwbot

    I am somewhat libertarian but still leaning to the left. I am quite radical left when it comes to human rights and equality...When it comes to the economy, I am libertarian when it comes to the economy...but not sure, it seems we do better economically as a country when a democrat is in office. But that might be due to war spending...I am a little buzzed right now, so maybe I should not be talking politics. eek!

  • frenchbabyface

    I'm Following for the moment ... Good points to both of you Soledad and Phantom Stranger

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