Is There Anything That You Would NEVER Forgive?
by minimus 66 Replies latest jw friends
A M/S for almost ruining my life, destroying my family and ripping me off.
Lady Lee
abuse of any kind
I think we should forgive, but it is human nature to hold onto grudges. If someone really did something on purpose to hurt me or my family, I would have a hard time forgiving.
In other cases, I think there is a big difference between forgiving, which could happen, and forgetting. I would not forget.
Anyone hurts my daughter and I will hunt them down and make them pay for the rest of their lives...otherwise no I can pretty much forgive anything...
Phantom Stranger
In principle, no.
In fact, haven't found anything yet. There are things I susepct would take some time and struggle, but I have ruled nothing out - that is, I still believe that anything can be forgiven.
I would never forgive someone betraying my trust.
You made me think about the scene in the Godfather,where Marlon Brando i.e.godfather,don,is having a meeting with all the families concerning the killing of his son ,Sonny.and he wants to protect Michael his other son and heir to the family.
Standing at the table,and looking around the room at all the heads of the families he says something to this effect,what's done is done,and I can forgive,lets stop all this bloodshedand move on.
But,if something should happen to Michael,if he steps off the curb and hurts himself,then,I DO NOT FORGIVE.
Well,Michael being the unforgiven person,TCB.Taking Care of Business,wiped out all of the heads of the crime families and all other traitors.
And there lies the answer.TRAITORS.And every era has had one in government,religion,some families too,and close friends.Satan,ADAM,Judas,Benedict Arnold,anyone you know.
Unless you are Jesus,Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.If someone betrayed your trust,it would for me, be very hard to forgive.
I don't take too kindly to anyone hurting an innocent person-----ESPECIALLY, a child.
Murdering the innocent and child abuse.