the UK safeguarding policy has a couple of innovations that are not part of the ARC safeguarding policy. The best one is that we are allowed to warn one another's families re any child abuser who seems to be getting close to another family without sanction from above. this is off the top of my head. it would be nice if someone could link in the new UK safeguarding policy from Jan 2017 for confirmation.
Australian Congregations announce Child Safeguarding Policy is available upon request
by wifibandit 52 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Due to the serious and complex nature of the offense, rather than simply taking for granted that the abuser is repentant, I would say that the he or she should at least be required to attend accredited counseling sessions for a period of time. If he or she isn't willing to do that, then they aren't truly repentant.
To be fair there has been endless criticism of their approach that risks keeping it all within the congregation. The whole point is to get the authorities involved asap. If someone is accused of a crime then let the authorities deal with it. There is a strong chance they will end up be forcibly removed from the congregation to a cell. If someone is a convicted pedo and has been through the justice system then the authorities should be monitoring that person in terms of whatever rehab might be possible. The congregation need to then take steps to ensure that person cannot be a position where they could abuse a child.
ln my opinion, the new policy ( and other policies) should be left posted in the Hall and copies should be available to anyone who wants them without having to ask anyone. Members should be encouragement to review the policy(s) from time to time lest new parents or newly converted members be unaware of the past problem.
This of course is very true.
So will a person who asks the COBE or secretary for a copy then be viewed as weak or a potential apostate? Will congregation members be afraid to ask to see it?
In fairness, I don't think you will find any other church or organisation who will announce their policies to their congregation on a Sunday morning and then have it read out to them. However what you WILL see are church councils/trustees sitting down behind the scenes ensuring that everything is up to date, and people from above at diocese level asking to see the documentation. That is PROPER administration and oversight.
And then of course there would be a Child Protection Officer/Governor in each congregation whose responsibility it was to make sure that the policy was turned into practice.
WT just want ARC off their backs so they can get back under the radar.
Surely this document should be available on the jwdotorg website. As has been said many JWs simply would not ask to see it as they will be flagged up as a possible trouble maker.
I imagine it was a blink and you'll miss it job. If they went in to any detail the R&F were probably daydreaming about going to the theme park after the meeting.
Will they pin it to the noticeboard?
As usual, too little too late for this disgusting cult who are STILL not really doing anything above public image to stop widespread paedophilia within its ranks all the way up to the governing body.
If a member of the congregation would like a copy of the Child Safeguarding Policy of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Australia, please see the coordinator of the body of elders or the secretary.
..because it's probably them?
Half-hearted effort.
it should be available so that anyone could ANONYMOUSLY read it. Make it a bound item at the KH's library, or downloadable from the website, ffs. They are still controlling and intimidating the members if they have to get through the Coordinator or the Secretary.
Certainly they will take credit for these Bold proactive steps to protect children - unlike other churches and organizations.
There will be no mention of how they were forced to do this - nor that the 2 witness rule still will make this difficult.
The Searcher
As far as I'm aware, the congregations in the U.K. used to be obliged by law to display a copy of their insurance certificate on the Kingdom Hall notice board. (Of course that changed when the org decided to take the insurance premiums and insure the properties themselves)
Pin the Safeguarding Policy on the Kingdom Hall notice board for all to see - non-J.W.'s included.