Once the dust settles there will be a new instruction from the GB to destroy this policy and adopt a new one, more in tune with their medieval views.
Australian Congregations announce Child Safeguarding Policy is available upon request
by wifibandit 52 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
from Reddit:
ohmyjwI've compared this document to the version that Watchtower presented to the ARC. There are two changes:
- 7. Added a sentence at the end: "A victim or his or her family may also choose to consult a mental-health professional."
- 9. Changed "learn of a case of child abuse" to "learn of an [b]allegation[/b] of child abuse" (this change was suggested by ARC chairman during the hearing)
https://wtsarchive.com/letter/cspau-e_child-safeguarding-policy-of-jehovah-s-witnesses-in-australia -
As has been said many JWs simply would not ask to see it as they will be flagged up as a possible trouble maker. - alanv
This is by design. WT is well aware and planned for that to occur.
The lawyer at the ARC, Stewart, had suggested distributing it to all JWs but the two WT reps each maintained, it would be "made available".
I do not believe the ARC will be fooled by this. they also will understand that JW still do not believe their policies are wrong, and they just try to make the bare minimum. And i guess that in the recommendation to the government or parliament (or wherever they report to) will recommend to put JWs in Australia under supervision.
I'll be calling the ARC today to make them aware of this appalling method the society is using to "make available" the document!
Anders Andersen
Great plan!
Just because they have one in print won't change the fact that the process is a closed door one and very few know exactly what takes place.
under the radar
I guess it's better than nothing, but it's still weak and falls far short of what the ARC is looking for. The Society has shown that they can be quite duplicitous. They want to appear to be cooperating with the Commission and complying with the spirit of the law, but they will actually only obey the letter of the law, and then to the least extent possible, and only when finally forced to. They will not make any substantive changes unless compelled to by threats to their money and/or tax exempt status.
I agree with other posters here that anyone asking for a copy will, at the very least, be viewed as a potential troublemaker and possible apostate. "Why do you want to see that, Sister? Don't you trust the Brothers to handle things like this Jehovah's way? Where is your faith?"
It should be permanently posted in plain view in every Kingdom Hall, with a stack of printed copies available by the door. That ain't gonna happen...
I suspect that elders will report back to the Australiasian branch office - or do so via the CO - exactly how many copies have been requested and handed out, including a break down of the age and gender of those asking for copies.
You can guarantee this sort of feedback will be kept confidential so that only those in the Branch office - and a few at world headquarters ever know the number who requested a copy.
Disfellowshipping even repentent child molesters would be a good faith move to make clear how "abhorrent" child sexual abuse is.
Yes, I absolutely think it should disqualify one from being in the religion. Disfellowshipping is the only way that the congregation gets a formal warning about this person's poor judgment. Since the cong can't /won't tell the reasons why, keeping someone disfellowshipped is the only way WITHIN THE CONFINES OF THE RELIGION to guarantee that members won't have contact with the pedophile.
Jeeze, pedophiles have to register on the child offender registry, are prohibited from living close to schools, and are outed on Halloween where they have to post a sign warning trick or treaters to stay away. For life. (at least in the US)
So, how, konceptual, is it a problem for admitted (by the very fact that they are "repentent" ) child molesters to be excluded from the congregation permanently?
And this doesn't even touch the fact that these admitted, "repentent" child molesters are unreported to the police, and none of those civil protections can be enacted unless the law compels them to.
DFing would be the only protection other congregants could get.