Fantastic Wednesday, If it works for him, then who am I or anyone else to disagree with him? I think he's wrong, but then thats just my opinion, it is no-more valid than his.
Whats the secret of being HAPPY?
by ScoobySnax 38 Replies latest jw friends
For me it is feeling needed, either by my parents, my husband or my kids and grandkids. I am happy knowing I am contributing something to the world, even if it is just a great next generation (or two) of incredible people, that came out of me.
I feel very happy, fulfilled and satisfied with life.
Finding things you are passionate about and going after them, is a big key to happiness.
I think that carrying guilt, whether it's rational guilt or irrational guilt, makes true happiness impossible.
Get your eyes off the prize and enjoy the journey.
I like that! discover the person you want to be and then become that person
I like Mulans....... awwww <<<<Mulan>>>> sometimes you sound just like my mum! I always come away from my mums and family with the biggest smile on my face.
You sound so family orientated too Mulan.
There's no place like home. ...... but then I am a soppy git.
Scooby, To be happy, just identify everything that makes you unhappy and eliminate those from your life, one by one. GaryB -
Stacy Smith
I'm almost always happy these days. I'm doing fine in school and the future is bright. All I do is think about how many people around me treat me wonderfully and that always puts a smile on my face.
Working out really hard and making sure I've worked off the morning McGriddle helps me smile too.
Thanks for the personal touch there Gary but it was a question in general. I'm done with "eliminating" LOL
of course Scooby it is just his opinion. If anyone of us knew for sure what the right thing to do is, we wouldn't be asking "the secret of happiness". however, my doc is happy, and lives what most of the world consider a moral life. He's not wondering how to be happy, he is happy. I think the problem with religion is the promise of the next life-after life. it makes us a death oriented instead of living the life we have been given. Instead of just enjoying the life we have been given, we demand more. a reward. This life is not a rehersal for the next. When i stopped being mad a jws for lying to me about someday being perfect and not sick, i decided to just get on with the life i have. It is not the greatest life, i am ill. I am not very lucky in that i have some bad genes. But i am determined to live this life and stop hopping for the tooth fairy or anyone else to make it "all go away". god helps those who help themself. I have to seek out and find medical treatment. God does not send it to my doorstep. I have to search for happiness. I too , like Gumby , wonder why God does make Himself more clear. seems like He would. But i continue to pray and search. I do know one thing, i feel more settled now that i don't brow beat mysef with the jws publications. Theirs is a religon of suffering, not happiness.
eh Wednesday? I think I got your gist. and full kudos to you.
Be well and happy. thats the main thing.