Making sure I've put everything back in place before I zip my pants! Maverick
Whats the secret of being HAPPY?
by ScoobySnax 38 Replies latest jw friends
Making sure I've put everything back in place before I zip my pants!
Good tip, especially if you go commando.
I think the problem with religion is the promise of the next life-after life. it makes us a death oriented instead of living the life we have been given.
I disagree, based on recent experience. I've been assured that the afterlife is taken care of -- that the gods are universalists. No longer worried about either hell or annihilation, I'm free to concentrate on good works and pleasure -- both of which are legitimate and necessary.
just identify everything that makes you unhappy and eliminate those from your life, one by one.
Sound, concentrated wisdom here, Scooby. And it sounds like you've applied it already. I discovered this to be true when I woke up and left the jaydubs. I discovered that under all the pain, shame and terror was a fountain of love and happiness.
As to why we are here -- I believe it's because the gods crave variety. As to why there is evil -- I believe that puzzles the gods themselves. Love is the greatest gift they have to offer. It's enough, mostly. If you're of a religious/imaginative turn of mind, seek out the guides/gods/spirits who are friendly to you, and send all the others away.
CC Ryder
Feeling greatful for waking up every day and making sure you show people your worthy of the air you breath.
I think some of it is genetic. I have three adult children. I would rate two of them as average in happiness, and one as very happy. My happy one, was happy from the day she was born. When she was little, my wife referred to her as "miss sunshine". When my wife was down in the dumps, my daughter's demeanor would cheer up my wife. As an adult, my daughter has had as many problems as her two siblings, but her problems do not dampen her spirit. I have also met people who are depressed, even though their life is going relatively well. In my own case, I would rate myself as slightly above average, happiness wise. I don't worry about God, the after life or why there is nastiness in this world. After all, the carnivors eat the prey in the animal world, so why should we expect any more from the human race. People are animals, after all.
To be happy, just identify everything that makes you unhappy and eliminate those from your life, one by one.
GaryBuss .... good idea.
Any suggestions on disposal of my mother-in-law s body ?
***** Rub a Dub
Hi Scooby,
I guess, for me; it's never giving up and finding something to look forward to every day.
I've got problems like everyone else, but consider myself a happy person . I do things that make me happy and sometimes I have to force myself ;but they work.
Being outdoors, strenuous exercise that makes me hurt ,cuddling my kids; rollercoasters, going fast on anything-horses-bikes etc, painting, being with friends, music, getting drunk and falling over, looking after animals; talking to you lot; dancing very badly; they all work for me !
I don't know the secret ...
I don't have personnal secret ...
I take and give the hapiness where it is, whenever and from whatever however whoever it comes and goes
I may die today -
Scoobz, what made it for me: