Blood on my hand

by Vivamus 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vivamus

    I cut my hand.

    Actually, I didn't, a shitload of glasses fell, and one shattered on my hand. So in essence, it wasn't me who cut my hand, it wasn't my fault. The damn glasses just fell, with no reason (deemonz, I tell ya, it was deemonz), and one of them shattered on my hand.

    As I stood there, frozen in place, looking in amazemend at my hand, the glass-splinters were shining and bright on my hand. The effect of it was slightly ruined tho, by the blood running from the cuts.

    My mum, competend as ever, took care of the broken glass, pulled out every splinter from my hand, and put bandaids on my fingers and palm.

    It's not so bad actually, it looked worse than it is. And right now, it looks kinda cool too, lol, with all the bandaids on my hand.

    My boyfriend calls my reaction to all of this *morbid*, I wonder why


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • iiz2cool

    Sorry you hurt yourself - or rather - that the glasses hurt you. I tend to be a little morbidly fascinated by injuries when I get them. I've had a couple of minor surguries and always asked the doctors to let me stay awake so I could watch. The answer was usually no. I guess they thought I'd be too much of a distraction to them. I did manage to get pics of one procedure though, but I've since lost them in a hard drive failure.


  • rocketman

    Ouch....your poor hand (gives boo-boo kiss).

  • JH

    Poor Viv.

    Did I see a ring on your thumb?

    You will have a hard time working at the library going through books fixed up like that.

    Doctor JH recommends 2 beers with chips right now.

  • morty

    sorry about your mishap hon,get your honey to fix

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Glass is a scary wound. I get some scrapes every so often from falling off a mountain bike but that's just dirt and gunk. Glass cuts deep. I think you were lucky it wasn't worse.

  • frenchbabyface
    Rocketman : Ouch....your poor hand (gives boo-boo kiss).

    Copy : boo-boo kiss

  • Vivamus

    Izzy, that would be too much for me, watching how they cut me open. Altho ... I could actually get used to the idea, it would be fascinating, lol.

    Thanx Rocketman

    JH, yep, it's a ring on my thumb, a golden snake. My mum gave it to me way back. And beer and chips comming up, have no fear, lol.

    Morton, lol, I'm sure he'll do a fine job....


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • Vivamus

    Thanx French

    Stacy, my mum said the same, I guess I was lucky, cuz it isn't too bad at all, but the mess it made was immense.


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • simplesally

    Thank God for Mommies and Bandaids!


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