Blood on my hand

by Vivamus 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • shera

    Glad your hand wasn't too hurt,Viv

    Must have shocked you...those darn demonz.



  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight


    can I kiss it?

  • Vivamus

    Sally, indeed

    Shera, my hand appreciated the hug, lol

    *extents hand to Dark Night in order for it to be kissed*


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • AlanF

    Bummer! You must have a hard hand!



    Ah Viv...sorry to read of your little mishap.

    Glad "MOM" (Country Woman) was on hand to take care of you.

    Geez, I would really love to adopt this lovely Dutch Mom.

    You know we Canadians would spoil her endlessly. We'd get hurt, just for the attention.

    Glad to see you are well, beer and chips etc., and typing your recovery process here.

    Give 'love' to Mom for us will ya?

    Take care Viv!

  • Aztec

    Viv, funny thing is my hands used to look like that everyday when I got home from work. Working with large sheets of glass, razor's and metal saws and frames can do that to ya. You'll be fine. Just keep the bandages fresh and the wounds clean. My hands are looking rather pretty after 3 weeks without a job...LOL!

    Be careful and watch out for those demonzz!


  • onacruse

    Ya know, this is prob gonna sound really weird, but it's true! About 10 years ago I got my left hand tangled up in my table saw...took off the top of my little finger, the side of the next finger, and went through my palm, and the base of my thumb.

    I pulled my hand back, looked at it, and, honestly, my brain must have gone into complete "protect mode" and made me see a much smaller injury...I actually thought that I could just put a couple bandaids on it and back to work.

    Well, all it took was an ambulance trip, one year and 3 reconstructive surgeries...and now you know why I can't type worth beans. LOLOL


  • greven

    Hope everything is ok now!

    I also have this morbid facination for personal wounds. Once a small pointy branch stuck through my wrist and I was just looking intently at the inner contents of my wrist before it was fixed. Man, I would be playing with my bowels if I could. :oD

    What is this about a boyfriend....have a missed something? LOL fess up girl!


  • shera

    Greven! lol but yuck!

    You would be good working in some sort of medical feild..

  • Maverick

    Hey Viv...what exactly is a shitload of glass, (now that sounds painful), and why would you have it? Are there large, glass eating birds flying around your house?Maverick

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