Hi Everyone,
Something happened the other night that got me thinking. I met a christian in one of the local malls and he did the usual preaching about jesus routine, trying to convince me that I am a sinner and how I need jesus and all that jazz. He wasn't a JW, but rather he was from one of the local revivalist churches.
Now what I'm thinking is that I've been out of the org for almost three years now. I just vanished. No DF or DA. But I still haven't had a witness knock on my door and the only people that have tried preaching to me are born-again christians and mormons, usually in the streets. So my question is why haven't I encountered any JW's? Is the preaching work dead?
I remember one of the signs that they use to tell people they are the true religion is that they are the only ones doing a world-wide preaching work while quoting Matt 24:14. Do the rank and file really believe that crap? Are they kidding themselves? Do they realise how inneffectual they organised preaching work really is??
Just felt like having a splurge.
Cheers, DK.