Yeap, I was also taught to share a scripture before segueing into the magazine offer.
What's happened to the preaching work?
by Dark Knight 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
yet to watch them practice the shunning and seemingly enjoying it makes me feel pity for them that they actually believe they are behaving this way in the name of their god.
and the name of their God is the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society - problem is their God does not (cannot) answer prayers or bless them instead it efectively surses them with burdens and heavy loads of restrictions (like shunning)
Oxnard Hamster
instead it efectively surses them with burdens and heavy loads of restrictions (like shunning)
And didn't Jesus reprimand the Pharisees for doing the exact same thing? Funny thing is, I've seen that point be covered in studies, but none of them make the connection that their Witch Tower Bible Trick society is doing the exact same thing.
I can honestly say, I have lived in my city for almost 3 years and I have NOT ONCE even SEEN JW['s witnessing, never mind them come to my door. I was beginning to think that they just dont bother anymore, until yesterday I was on the phone to a customer, and there was a doorbell in the background. She said"Hang on a minute" and got the door. I heard a very "Oh hello dear I see your on the phone, sorry to disturb you, we are just working around your neighbourhood and showing people..." This is where my customer butted in "No thank you im not interested" to which the dub lady replied "Ok... bye!!" My customer then returned to the phone and said: "Sorry about that, bloody Jehovahs Witnesses" to which I replied "Oh come on... give them a chance!" we both laughed. I felt great at that moment. I guess they are still out there, though there presentations sure need some work!!
Well it's been about 2 yrs since they came to my door. But I hear about them from friends who live in town. They are there often I guess because it's about a 1/2 hour drive from the nearest KH so they do like the drive time.
Maybe if they would preach about the sky falling --- oh wait chicken Little did that already
Until recently I lived in a rural area for a number of years, so it was not surprizing that they only came by about every three years. I've been in the city for for a year now, and yes it's a secure building but they could stand at the phone by the front door and hit forty-one people in about two minutes. Haven't been called once.
I do see them on the street from time to time, but all they are doing is standing there like wooden Indians (not trying to be politically incorrect here), holding up their magazines like they expect me to run up yelling "Wow I've been looking for the new Watchtower."
I agree, the org. seems dead on the inside.