Lately i've been thinking over how far i've come over the last 2.5 years since leaving the cult. When i first left i remember not knowing who i really was and what my beliefs and values were. Previously my values and beliefs were dictated to me the the Governing Body in Watchtower magazines.
I'm politically active, being a member of a political party and I'm even considering running in my local election in a few years.
When it comes to religion, im an atheist who has little time for superstition and "God did it" answers to complex questions. I respect that people may have a religion, and that's fine, as long as their religion doesn't divide and subjugate a group of people.
I'm a feminist. Yes, there are some fantastic teachers and educators out there who just so happen to have female genitalia. The Abrahamic religions in particular have delighted in keeping women down for too long.
I dont believe marriage is necessary. We humans are animals. The idea of marrying your pet dog to next doors dog before they mate is a ridiculous notion. As is the human institution of marriage. As far as im concerned, the only reason i'd get married is for the party... but then you could just have the party and forgo the wedding.
I think it's absolutely vital that we dont jump to conclusions in matters. Especially science/religion. Any statement presented to me as "lifesaving" or "the truth" needs to be backed up with evidence, research, experiments, results and the qualifications of those who made the statement.
Looking back on the JW version of myself. I was stressed out, lonely, carrying a lot of guilt and had no time for hobbies or interests due to "theocratic" activities like ministry, study and meeting attendance. I had no platform to express doubts, no-one to confide in about how i felt about the organization and no real friends.
For an JW lurkers, living life on your own terms is guilt free. I have zero guilt for anything that i do. And im a lot happier and stress free.