It's been so long since I was a JW, I often forget what I was like. Like most, I was very judgmental and self-righteous. I was also extremely confrontational because I felt it was my duty(so I wouldn't be blood-guilty, you know) to correct your erred thinking. I can only imagine how pleasant I was to be around.
The biggest change, for me, is that I actually participate in life now. I was a person who just kind of observed life passing me by and thinking all my problems were somehow going to resolve themselves with time and Armageddon coming. Now I actively go after what I want.
The other big change has been throwing away that "us" and "them" mentality. We're all part of the human race. That doesn't mean I don't disagree with some, but I don't feel the need to change their beliefs and although I'm open to hear new perspectives, I don't need you to understand mine to keep them. That cuts down on a lot of wasted energy and frustration. I do what works for me and you do what works for you. Take for example marriage, I think it's a good arrangement for some, however it doesn't work for everyone. I would have never been open to that as a JW.