I think it was absolutely marvellous. What a brave man he was, I am so impressed, yah! I mean, being so high up and in a clear plastic box, I mean, wow! Really, so cool and imaginative and what self control when that model helicopter dangled a big mac or whatever above him, such restraint - king tantalus eat your heart out.
And then the appreciatve crowd, britains at their finest (beams with kingdom pride here), cheering him on with eggs and other helpful objects to keep his spirits up, yup.
I was almost inspired to travel to london to show my solidarity with him and to lend moral support, in fact I am going to sell my house, wife and kids and all my possesions and donate the money to his cause. All you posters who are doing him down, shame on you, this kind and courageous man deserves your support not your brickbats, your money not your heckles.
Still, I shall pray for you all and mention him in my prayers at the end of the meetings.
Don't be surprised if there is not a 'How I endured to the end' feature in the WT pretty soon and 'Clear plastic Boxes - are they for Christians?' in the Awake!.
Watch this space........dur-duh duuurrrrrrr