1932 / 1935 and The Great Multitude,Dying Off Too?

by Blueblades 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Another Watch Tower teaching that could shorty cause the Society a serious problem is The Great Multitude of 1932 / 1935.If the Great Tribulation fails to occur reasonably soon,this too could bring about a major change, i.e Generation teaching,while the two teachings may appear to be linked,the dates are almost twenty years apart in application,i.e. 1914 --1932 / 35.

    The Great Multitude of 1932 / 35 who stood up to be identified are well into their late 70's ,early 80's at this time,2003.Just as the long standing "This Generation" has been reinterpreted,perhaps a new doctrinal reinterpretation of the Great Multitude will be made, adversely affecting untold numbers of potential ones who will come out of "The Great Tribulation"as "The Great Mutitude "of survivors.

    I know that the Society is trying to put off these teachings,"This Generation,"The Great Tribulation" "The Great Multitude" and "Armageddon" into the indefinite future,however life goes on,people grow old and die.So, how long can they keep this up.

    My guess is that the winds of internal turmoil will get stronger,the near future will be telling as members of the Great Multitude die off.As they see another hoped for fulfillment die off along with them

    Blueblades,who has felt the effects of these things too.What are your thoughts?

  • Loris

    Before I left I had begun to wonder about the older ones in the cong. In my KH the geriactrics were in the majority. Hardly a month went by that an anouncement of another death wasn't made. The older ones seem to know all the original people from the old days when there were just one or two cong. here so when one of the old guys die it is announced in all the KHs

    The millions that were not supposed to die are dying. How sad for them. Their life is almost over, they see their lifelong friends and companions dying. What must they be feeling about now? They literally gave their lives for the WT. Every possible day was spent selling magazines. No time to smell the roses. No time to give their children a happy carefree childhood. Their children are now questioning the whole scene. What was it all for? How sad.


  • minimus

    In case you didn't know already, THEY'RE DEAD!!!!!

  • Poztate

    I think they will try to ignore the passing away of the great multitude.If they say anything at all it will be as they did with the generation of 1914.A simple paragraph quickly glossed over and forgotten.This should work quite well as most Dubs brains have been on auto-pilot since baptism.

    In my wife's congregation a number of young people have been baptised this year.(4or5).In talking with any of them you quickly start to realize that none of them have any real understanding of what the Org is teaching now let alone the "deep doctrines" that have come and gone over the years.I think this is deliberate on the part of the org.Keep every thing light and fluffy.that way no one ever asks questions when things change.

    The older ones might be upset with another doctrine change but they have invested their whole life in this org.Most are now just along for the ride and will not rock the boat either.They are now only in it for their family and friends.

  • rocketman

    Yes, those folks to whom JFR pointed and said, 'behold, the great multitude' are on their last legs and dying off (or dead).

  • Lapuce

    Ok I guess they will have some bullsh*it watchtower article to study with some sort of new light again to try to keep as many dubs in the so called truth.


  • archangel01


  • Perry
    Ok I guess they will have some bullsh*it watchtower article to study with some sort of new light again to try to keep as many dubs in the so called truth.


    First, they will mention a major doctrinal change in "Questions From Readers". Then, they will have some whacked out pompous C.O. go around knocking on people's heads yelling in their ear, " 'Hello McFly'...... aren't you keeping up with Jehovah's fast moving chariot-like organization"? Just like in "Back to the Future" the Elders will get their ear pulled, laughingly smile and suck up the regurigitated rhetoric.

    Then the local jesters of the society get to conduct the bullsh*t study article you referred to and make people feel stupid for not keeping up with the questions from readers for major life and death doctrinal changes.

    Later that afternoon, the R& F all have a big laugh and thank God they haven't been blinded by Satan like the apostate family members they now shun.

  • SYN

    Cool thread, guys.

    It's actually stunning when you think about it. In 50 years or so none of the people who witnessed that original Rutherfordian proclamation will be around!

    Millions now living will never die?

    Sorry! Wrong!

    I just feel sorry for those stuck in the Truth who are seeing this BS go down.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    There's little doubt that what passes for a ``braintrust" in Brooklyn/Patterson is wracking its collective brain to concoct a plausible way to scuttle chronology or at least distance itself from/downplay 1914 without precipitating a catastrophic hemorrhage of followers.

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