The other day, I asked for help finding some info regarding the flip-flops on conscientious objecting. A big thank you to those who helped me out.
Quick background:
I'm a Star Wars fan. So shoot me. I'm not one of those people who dresses up or anything. I just enjoy watching the films and talking about them from time to time. So a couple of years ago, I joined the official Star Wars site, and have been a moderator of the site for most of that time. (Just so you don't wonder why I'm linking to the site.)
So there's a forum there for non-SW talk, and someone started a topic about JWs, coz they were curious. My screen name there isn't the same, but I'm sure you'll be able to tell when I join in.
One request...if you feel so inclined, please don't sign up to make fun of them. That board is very strict when it comes to stuff like that, so if you do feel like commenting, please keep it polite. I don't want to get in trouble with the guys from Lucasfilm (my "superiors")...they won't like it if they feel I've directed others to that site merely to antagonise or make fun of a group of people. Thanks.
So here's the debate...even though they say they'll never return, I know they've been reading it.