Would You Feel Differently About Capital Punishment If..

by Englishman 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    ..It was carried out in public?

    Being somewhat intrigued with the mini Henry V111 series just finished on the telly, which showed a lot of public beheadings, I wondered how many folk think this sort punishment should be viewable by all?

    Would it show justice actually being done? Would it be a deterrent to folk committing offences that were punishable by CP?

    Would such a thing strengthen or diminish support for CP generally? Could you actually watch such a thing yourself? Supposing the condemned person gave authorisation for his execution to be televised, would you/could you watch it?


  • Sassy

    I know I couldn't watch it. I can't sit and watch some "sit on the edge of your seat" movies without looking away a little if they get scary. I can't imagine watching a beheading.

    I do think there are times people deserve to die though. Look at those snipers that are on trial now for what went on last year on the east coast (US). The trauma they put people through? You didn't know if you could send your children to school for fear of what was out there. People shouldn't have to fear for being shot filling their tanks with gas. No I have no sympathy for them. I wouldn't want to see their deaths carried out personally though.

  • StinkyPantz
    Would You Feel Differently About Capital Punishment If it was carried out in public?

    No, I don't really see why that would alter anyone's view.

    Being somewhat intrigued with the mini Henry V111 series just finished on the telly, which showed a lot of public beheadings, I wondered how many folk think this sort punishment should be viewable by all?

    I think it should be. It might serve as closure for some.

    Would it show justice actually being done?

    Yes, if you believe CP is justice.

    Would it be a deterrent to folk committing offences that were punishable by CP?

    Not enough to matter. Beside CP imo isn't about deterring anyone; it's about retribution.

    Would such a thing strengthen or diminish support for CP generally?

    Probably diminish. Most people would not want to watch such a thing because it'd seem too gruesome. Even watching someone die relatively peacefully via legal injection would be too much for some. Having it happen quietly in the middle of the night makes it easier for people to pretend like such things aren't going on.

    Could you actually watch such a thing yourself?


    Supposing the condemned person gave authorisation for his execution to be televised, would you/could you watch it?
  • expatbrit

    It would certainly make economic sense. The revenue from ticket sales and TV rights would cover the cost of the judicial system, which would then not have to be gouged out of the pockets of law-abiding citizens in the form of taxes.


  • DanTheMan

    I don't think I could watch somebody being strapped to an electric chair & having their brains fried, nor do I think I could watch a lethal injection execution.

    Those methods seem less humane to me than guillotines or firing squads.

    As far as whether CP is just or serves as a deterrent, crap I don't know. If justice is the point of it, then the people who were most affected by the offender's actions should be the ones pulling the switch.

    The State of Ohio started practicing CP again a few years ago, after many execution-less years. I haven't heard about any decreases in homicide since then.

  • talesin

    No, I will always be against state-sanctioned killing.


  • Englishman

    I suppose that the method used would have to be socially acceptable also.

    Lethal injection, so clean and clinical, is now being questioned because it may well be a horribly painful death. The paralysis of the executee's muscles masks any signs of distress. Conversely, beheading is still generally recognised as the quickest method as death normally occurs within a minute or so.

    This is how it used to be done in public, you can see these particularly delightful items at the Tower of London. This is a used model, as you can see by the deep cuts in the block.


  • Simon

    Except when you get lumbered with a novice 'first time executioner' ... eek, that wasn't nice !

    (3 chops before the did for him)

    Personally, I am not as keen on CP as I used to be. Not because I don't think it's an apt punishment for some crimes but because there are so many miscarriages of justice.

  • wednesday

    I agree with CP , but it should be done privitely., with only family members or or the victims family(if they wish) being present.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    INMHO, it's not as much about either punishment or retribution as it is about removing a proven, mortal danger from Society; someone who's forfeited his/her right to remain in Society by destroying another's life.

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