Would You Feel Differently About Capital Punishment If..

by Englishman 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32

    I think it would be barbaric to show CP in public. Maybe I'd feel differently if horrible crimes were committed against my family. I do support CP in extreme cases, but I also fear the possibility that someone innocent might be executed because of a failure in the justice system.


    I agree that electrocution does not seem humane, but lethal injection is quick and painless. Firing squad, hanging, and the guillotine are more barbaric IMO.

  • SpunkyChick

    I think public executions are a great idea. Yes, I could watch a rapist/murderer/abused get fried. You'd see crime go WAY down.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I believe I would feel the same regardless if executions were public or not. It wouldn't surprise me if eventually this happens in the US. I'm sure the ACLU would file a series of lawsuits to protect those being executed and their families, but eventually it could happen.

    I remember the first time I saw an execution on TV. It was a documentary about Saddem and his men were shooting people. I turned away the first time. After that I was able to watch. I think we can prepare ourselves to see almost anything these days.

  • Descender

    I imagine that it would be hard to know your own exact thoughts on capital punishment unless something terrible had happened to someone close to you. It's easier to brush off capital punishment as being wrong when the offender commited crimes that didn't effect you or anyone close to you.

    Take the shooters that plagued the D.C. area last year. I can see how someone might be against CP against those two because the crimes were probably far removed from that person's world and they didn't know any of the victims.

    On the other hand, what if someone broke into your house, kidnapped your 5 year old daughter, molested her and then killed her. Personaly, I would want him dead, I wouldn't want a quick death either, I'd want a long torture, followed a slow painful death, preferably administered by me.

    I think that the closer to home a crime happens to be, the more likely a person will be in agreement with CP.

  • DanTheMan

    I agree that electrocution does not seem humane, but lethal injection is quick and painless. Firing squad, hanging, and the guillotine are more barbaric IMO.

    To me, lethal injection seems so cold and invasive. If it were me being executed, I'd prefer a bullet to the heart over that. Guillotine seems like "whoomp" - over before ya knew what hit ya, and you don't see it coming either. A lot of blood, but I don't think bloodless means humane.

    I've seen people get shot or guillotined or hanged countless times in movies, TV shows, etc., whereas I've never seen somebody get fried in an electric chair or injected with a lethal poison. So my preference is probably due to my being desensitized to certain kinds of killing.

  • freedom96

    I believe the victims family should have the option of flipping the switch, or pulling the trigger, if they chose to do so.

    I also believe that whatever form they killed someone, they should have the same done to them.

    For example, that bitch that left her kids in the car seat, and sent the car into the lake. The husband should be able to buckle her in the car, and push the car into the lake. Fair is fair.

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