I'm a pretty religious person myself. Although I'm not a fan of chain email, I've sent an item or two out similar to this. But here's my viewpoint...because I know you're dying to know. (just kidding!)
ASK: Does the person who sent this mean to upset you? Was it her intention to offend? If not, a simple email stating your unappreciation for these type of emails would probably suffice. It could be as simple as "I appreciate your effort to encourage me, but our belief systems are not the same. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't send me chain emails or emails of religious nature." or "My company does not allow personal emails of this type. Please refrain from sending me these things in the future as I'd like to avoid being reprimanded."
How can we get pissed at someone that has crossed our spiritual/emotional/mental boundaries when they didn't know the boundary was there? We cannot assume everyone in the world has the same email etiquette training.
Just my thoughts...