Is it the theology? Is it the smugness that many Witnesses have? Is it the multitude of false prophecies and errors? Child-abuse issues? The United Nations debacle??? WHAT?
What Bugs You The Most About Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends
The breathing thing they do really irritates me.........:) And the smug pompous attitude.
shunning because it most directly effects me....
One thing that bugs me with them is their arrogance, that they alone have the truth, and that all the others will die.
Everybody has to be the same, dress alike, think alike, and so on. Robots stripped of their own natural personality.
The thing that really gets on my nerves about the JW's is when they shun out family members or old friends... like what my dad and uncle and grandmother, do to my mom... it bugs me more than anything... i barely visit my dad, but when i do go there im there to see my sisters and my brother and step mom! my dad and uncle are creeps... like if u try to speak ur mind politely... they're like i dont care. Me and my uncle were playing around and i told him to be careful becuz i just got my nails done and he might break one... and sure enough he broke one... n i confronted him and tried to blame the whole thing on me... i was so mad i stormed out of the room! i told my dad and my dad said i should make him pay for it... the tru i should have but why ask when u kno he will say no!
Special K
what bugs me the most is:
1. If you get baptized into it.. then there is no honorable way out.
2. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get other family members out.. because they won't listen to you or read any negative(but true) information about the J.W. Cult.
Special K
Their self righteousness,and their denial to what this org is really is.
just about everything you mentioned.
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
Relax said the nightman
We are programmed to receive
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave -
Room 215
Where does one begin? For starters: (1) Their smug, unwarranted sense of superiority; (2) their absence of a social conscience; (3) their insistence that they have a monopoly on honesty, industry, nobility of intent and decency in the world, despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary; (4) their intolerance of dissent, no matter how respectfully worded. Ad infinitum, ad nauseum.