Hi and welcome I am new here on the site as well. I think you need to be very careful you are not overreacting. I have 4 kids and have been DA since I was 15 I am now 35. I have pretty much no contact with my family for about the last 10 years the only time they reach out to me is if it is some family emergency they want me to be aware of. I did at one time have pretty regular contact with one of my sister’s right after I had my oldest daughter. I contacted her often for support as she was the only family member who would talk to me. I had asked my sister not to talk to my kids regarding JW beliefs and for the most part she did respect my wishes. However, my sister had a son 2 years older than my daughter and when he was 7 he told my 5 year old daughter that she was bad for celebrating her bday and that she and myself and my other children were going to die at Armageddon. He showed her pictures of Armageddon and scared the crap out of her. I was downstairs doing laundry with my sister when this happened and when I came up saw him and heard him telling my 5 year old how horrible she was. This was the last time any of my kids saw my sister or her family. My sister defended her son (and to be fair he was just a child and brainwashed) and defended the JWS. Sadly I think that when you are dealing with members of the JW even your family members you can assume that they will try to indoctrinate your daughter as witnessing is central to the faith.
am i overreacting?
by freeandcontent 37 Replies latest jw experiences
My question really is am I overreacting? Should I let my lo hear her grandmas point of view and as she gets older I can provide others views. My gut feeling is no and this will probably mean no more contact as they are a sneaky bunch and she will probably try to tell my lo stuff when I'm not there. Any thoughts appreciated.
No.....Your not over reacting..
JW Grandma will try to "RECRUIT" Grandbaby by Any Means Possible..
JWs know No Boundaries..
.................You`ll Make a Good Little JW..
..........Your Mommy and Daddy Love Satan..
........................WE LOVE JEHOVAH!..
Hello F&C, it's good to have you join us. You don't need any-one to advise you what to do, your own instincts already let you know didn't they. Go with your gut.
No, you're not overreacting. My parents tried to indoctrinate my son and when he was about 8 years old he came home from an overnight visit, visibly distressed and crying.
He was already seeing a doctor for anxiety (generalized anxiety disorder) and when she heard about this, she forcefully told us not to allow it anymore at all. It was obviously very bad for him.
I had to have a talk with her and didn't allow him to stay overnight again for a long, long time.
I found out she was sneaking behind my back, bought him a suit and took him to the meetings with her! That got stomped on, too, with a request she look into the pedophilia scandal.
The point is, the JWs, even our parents, have no respect for parental authority. They will sneak and lie and think they are doing good.
Please put your foot down now.
Welcome! No, you are not overreacting to those yucky Caleb and Sophia videos! It is complete propaganda, and they teach children "lessons" that make them feel responsible for God's actions. An elder in my hall straight up said he dislikes Caleb and Sophia, so it's not just ex-JWs who feel repulsed by that crap.
If you ever want to be totally freaked out by the propaganda of JW's then I suggest googling "North Korean Propaganda Art" and browsing the images. Tons of those pictures look so similar to the illustrations in the WT books...particularly the multiple fruit pics and children romping happily in fields.
Thanks everyone. We had a chat last night and she said she will not show her them again. I directly said I don't want you mentioning anything jw and she said she will not. Hoping she sticks to it. -
We had a chat last night and she said she will not show her them again. I directly said I don't want you mentioning anything jw and she said she will not. Hoping she sticks to it.
Uhhh Ya.......Good Luck with that..
"Theocratic Warfare Strategy"
...........................I Lied For Jehovah..
Outlaw, funny, a wee bit insensitive.
F&C if you had the chat see how it goes from there. However, keep in mind what OutLaw has said.
Outlaw - your post is spot on. I know that she may still try to sneak things in which is why she will never have her granddaughter on her own or for overnight stays etc. Contact will always be in my presence. Have to give her the chance though to just be grandma with no jw stuff brought up. I am not soft so if it comes to the crunch and she does try bringing anything jw into it then she will no longer be welcome. -
Outlaw, funny, a wee bit insensitive.....Sabin
That`s my personal experience..
JW Grandparents will agree to anything,to have the freedom to indoctrinate your children..
Next time they`ll be more sneaky about it..
The game never ends,you can never trust them...EVER!!..
If its in their best interests,Jehovah`s Witnesses (JW Grandparents Included) "WILL LIE"