So who is satan in this analogy? The police?
Police Track Down Alleged Internet Predator
by Yizuman 24 Replies latest jw friends
little witch
Conspiracy is a crime...
conspiracy to commit murder for example, weather or not the murder takes place, is still prosecutable.
I would imagine this man was arrested for conspiracy to commit crime.
If that is so, then why don't we charge the police for their involvement in the crime? If the police create the crime then THEY are responsible.
Why don't we just do a personality profile for every person in the world and from that determine which ones have criminal tendancies and lock them up? Then we would have no crime at all.
sexual interference or carnal knowledge (activity) with a child is a crime.
The activity does not have to be physical.
I am all for protecting civil rights, but any sexual activity with a child be it verbal, suggestive or physical is wrong.
A better analogy to what was provided earlier would be that the cops are following a speeding vehicle and the person decides to try and escape. He had already committed an offense and made a decision to increase the stakes.
This particular individual decided to limit how illegal his actions were by not acting on his fantasies. But he had still committed a crime.
A better analogy to what was provided earlier would be that the cops are following a speeding vehicle and the person decides to try and escape.
Nah. A better analagy would be the police encouraging someone to break the speed limit, so that they can bust him. What this guy said to other kids isn't clear, but busting him for having sick fantasies is a job for gawd. But then, govt seems to be pushing to fill that spot.
From the article:
Mark Mej, 41, was arrested after police say he was attempting to pick up an officer who posed as a boy over the Internet.
Police say they had numerous telephone and Internet conversations with Mej over a 30-day period.
If these were simply harmless conversations, there would not be any need for charges.
Just like a "john" that is cruising for hookers, this guy was apparently cruising for sexual chats with young boys. He just happened to have 30 days worth of them with a police officer posing as a child online. It is no more entrapment than the undercover cop posing as a hooker.
He was not charged for having fantasies. He was charged because he actively involved a minor in a sexual way.
He was charged because he actively involved a minor in a sexual way.
No, he was actively involved in a 'sexual way' w a policeman or woman. To keep this thing going for 30 days, how much did the police contribute? Are you aware that most police are liars, when it facilitates getting done what they consider to be their jobs?
Are you aware that most police are liars
Care to back this statement with facts?
Are you aware that most police are liars
Care to back this statement with facts?No, i'll leave you in your fantasy world of honest cops, honest politicians, honest religious leaders, honest businessmen, until the real world intrudes. Btw, you should also quote the the qualifier part of the sentence,
when it facilitates getting done what they consider to be their jobs?
No fantasy world for me. I readily admit some cops do cut corners and some do lie in order to accomplish their objectives.
"Most?" That is a very strong sweeping statement and condemnation. It is the sweeping generalization that I wanted you to back with facts of some kind. Individual examples (even several) does not equate with "most."
But frankly it boils down to this, I would rather believe a police officer over some 41 year old guy who gets his rocks off chatting to young boys. But hey that's just me.