E) I'm way over educated to worldly philosophy. And we all know who the ruler of the world is ...
How would you prefer the JWs to think of you, A, B, or C ?
by logansrun 48 Replies latest jw friends
Actually.. I would prefer that they dont think of me at all.
I'm with SNS!!
Frannie Banannie
Well.....since I actually dared to write the Gov. Potty a letter reproving them for their severe lack of love and their hypocrisy and non-scriptural-based doctrines, I can safely conclude that the resulting df-ing and gossip embellished and flamed over parts of 4 States (California, Oregon, Texas & Louisiana) tags me as "C"...evil apostate....lol
Frannie B
I am lower than whaleshit.
I am viewed as weak.
Now that my "apostasy" has been brought to light, I am the spawn of Satan... YEAH!
D. Lucky!
I bet most of them wish they were me, even though they would never admit it. ( I disassociated myself ) The joy of having freedom and not having to watch over your shoulder all the time. Just think, if there was an easy way to leave the organization without being shunned....who do you think would stay?
I don't think most of those that knew me ever think of me at all. If anyone does occasionally think of me they probably think (B), weakened by an unhappy marriage. I'm sure some think (D) over educated, and full of herself into the bargain.
But overall, I bet they never think of me one way or another.
.... oh, my parent's favourate is 'D: Embaressed to return to Jehovah's Organsiation after divorce'.
It remains their favourate even though I cheerfully disabuse them of it every time they bring it up.
I tell them it's got nothing to do with that, that I have valid reasons for my change in belief, but that I realise JW's are not allowed to listen to dissent, and that I don't want to put them in a situation where they would suffer a conflict of loyalty between me and the Borg.
Me adult them cultist - and a quite wonderful stance to take as it confuses them thoroughly
As for me, well, I'd like JW's to think I had made a rational decison based on facts, but we all know how likel that is. Given the a b c's, well, I choose bwahahahaha!
I'm sure most of my family views me as (A) misled. Then, depending on their feelings for me before, others may view me as (B) weak or (C) evil. Some of them viewed me as those things before I even became "apostate".
I'd prefer they know that I'm no longer a part of them because I disagree with their beliefs, not because I wanted to party more. I'd prefer they say, "He was a pretty smart guy. If he doesn't believe it anymore, maybe I should try to find out what he knows".
But, since I'm trying to not be DA/DF so I can keep in touch with JW family, the reasons for my abscence are probably a mystery to most.