Funny how they've done this. Even though by their own mouth, it is now ok... JW's are in such fear of "the next guy up the line" that I think for the most part, they will find a way to look at these words as totatally specific to pinatas (and not include birthdays).
Yes, the society is backing away from birthdays. 10 years ago or so (pretty sure it was a 1983 WT QFR), they basically said the exact same thing, in a discussion of birthdays, and yet managed to still paint birthdays as bad (even though their words, up to the last line, were just as clear as those in this current Awake). The article went something like this:
"Of course, christians are not concerned with what pagan connotations a tradition had hundreds of years ago....." and yet, the last paragraph or so said, "Of course, mature Christians would not want to do anything that might stumble...."
But yeah, I think this is as far as they'll go. They'd love to have witnesses just do it, w/o noticing how wrong they were all along.