One of my many weird ideas -- Babies

by logansrun 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully


    There's no reason why you can't do it. Actually this kind of option is offered to a lot of male cancer patients who have no children (or have not completed their family), since chemotherapy and radiation can make you sterile. Egg retrieval and storage is also available to female cancer patients, but the process is a little more time consuming and requires the patient to go on medications to stimulate her ovaries to produce extra eggs, which delays the initiation of chemotherapy and radiation.

    The thing with vasectomies is that it can take from 6 months to a year to clear your system of all your wigglies. So it's important to use an alternate form of contraception and do the follow-up checks in the meantime so you don't end up with a surprise. As a side note, the more you use your system, the faster the remaining wigglies are cleared out.

    Love, Scully

  • nilfun

    Well, if you are there to hold and support her during the artificial insemination procedure, I think that it is possible to preserve a sense of intimacy even though no actual sex would be involved in your child's conception. If done right, you both could probably make it into quite a powerfully bonding experience.

  • logansrun


    You can't take all the consequences out of sex. You can only reduce the risks.

    Yes, that's why I have the "sperm-bank / vasectomy / de-thaw when you're ready" idea. Reduces the risk of unwanted pregnancy.

    But when the risks could involve an innocent child suffering someday then why risk it? I have heard of sperm banks using men's sperm without their permission.

    Considering that most people would sue their asses bigtime, I'd be pretty confident they wouldn't do that. And, even if they did give away my stuff without my permission, where are you getting the "innocent child suffering" bit from? It just doesn't add up.

    All children deserve to know who their fathers are.

    Please see above rebuttel.

    Think of the women you will have this fun with.

    I'm thinking about, I'm thinking about it!!

    They are people, you know?

    People, hunk of meat....what's the difference?

    Every single one of them. You sound like a very nice guy who enjoys the heck out of sex. I don't blame you. It's a lot of fun. I know there are always consequences though and this helps me keep my head on straight about it.

    My head curves slightly to the left.

    Later sugar,


  • logansrun

    Thanks Scully! Finally, a rational female response!


  • logansrun

    Ditto Nilfun. Now your talkin' !


  • FlyingHighNow


    Here's another idea: have sex with only sterile women. Then you won't have to get snipped.

    Heather S. # 2

  • logansrun
    Here's another idea: have sex with only sterile women. Then you won't have to get snipped.

    Now, that's just plain silly.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Only kidding, Bradley,

    I do think it's a good thing that you want to be responsible about your potential there.

    Heather S. # 2

  • logansrun

    Heather S. #2

    I'm only foolin' with 'ya too!

    Nice name, by the way. You didn't happen to ever be on "Get Smart" ever, did you #2 ?


  • invictus

    there is information about complication from procedure - maybe you can look at it on

    What Every Man Should Know Before Having a Vasectomy

    If It Works, Don't Fix It! Many men have experienced significant problems, complications, and pain following their vasectomies, which has resulted in substantial effects on their health and their lives. Often, the possibility of these types of problems was not disclosed beforehand, despite decades of research in medical literature demonstrating numerous complications. This can lead to a desperate, painful, and lonely situation for a man and his family. This web site is dedicated to sharing factual information about men's experience with vasectomy and the consequences of the procedure. Hopefully, this resource will help to shed light on this little-discussed issue for the benefit of men, their families, and the medical and other professionals who wish to help them. Kevin Hauber
    Author of 'If It Works, Don't Fix It: What Every Man Should Know Before Having A Vasectomy' Contact Kevin Hauber Family physicians should be aware of the potential effects and complications of vasectomy so they can appropriately counsel patients seeking sterilization. Vasectomy produces anatomic, hormonal and immunological changes and... has been reputed to be associated with atherosclerosis, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and urolithiasis [kidney stones]. Complications of vasectomy include overt failure, occasional sperm in the ejaculate, hematoma, bleeding, infection, sperm granuloma, congestive epididymitis [post-vasectomy pain syndrome], antisperm antibody formation and psychogenic impotence.

    6. If It Works, Don't Fix It! Vasectomy Information Home Page An individual discusses his personal experience and provides a different view about this role of surgical Category Health Reproductive Health vasectomy...... complications of vasectomy include overt failure, occasional urology (a textbookfor urology students and of pressureinduced damage after vasectomy falls on

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