*The WTS and the Internet

by MacHislopp 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • MacHislopp

    *The WTS and the Internet

    Hello everyone,

    Normally we do believe that allmentions about the internet
    are negative…but as usual it depends from which side of the fence you're
    sitting! Take this quote from a recent w. study article and a § concerning
    knowledge about oceans, tides etc. :

    " Yet , in this year 2001 , if you investigate that topic at huge libraries or
    used the vast research power of the Internet to locate the latest facts, what
    would you find?" ( w. 15.04.2001 p. 6 §16 )

    Did you notice:

    * The vast research power of the Internet….! When doing research, it can be
    a very powerful and useful tool.

    * To locate …the latest FACTS…! So it is possible that many things in the
    Internet are not merely opinions but supported evidences…FACTS!

    *What would you find? Intreresting question, if we sere searching for
    informations and all possible avalaible facts about cults, associations,
    religious organisations, non-profit organisations, etc. etc.
    WHAT evidences, proofs, documents, FACTS would we find???

    Of course we do know the official answer: if the finding are not in line with
    the WTS publications - on paper or on electronic form - , then it is evidently
    material coming from the ….yes you're right …apostates, therefore it must
    be untruful, deceiving, misleading , misrepresenting and surely without
    doubt an outright lie.

    Agape, J.C. MacHislopp

  • larc


    Now that was a damned interesting quote. All this time, they have been telling the flock about the evils of the internet. Now, they say it might be OK to use it as a tool to get facts. They sure do contradict themselves, now don't they!

  • Downdog01

    Does anyone analyze each issue of awake and watchtower for contradictions, poor journalistic technique, logical flaws and the like?
    It is amazing to me that their terrible scholarship doesn't tip more people off to the fact that they are very ignorant people who have been mislead and should therefore not be leading others. I also think that the reason they hate education so much is that educated people see all this much more readily.
    Growth has basically stopped in areas where education is widespread. I think this could be accelerated if simple and plainspoken analysis of their lies (intentional or not) came out in a timely fashion after their publication. Is anyone working on this as a project?
    I think debunking the literature piece by piece could be useful and with the cadres of intelligent exJWs around probably not hard to do.

  • Prisca

    You have a good suggestion there, Downdog01, but the problem is that those who really should be reading information on the Borg, are the ones that refuse to look at anything anti-WTS. We may find such information interesting and damning, yet the ones it would benefit most are the ones who refuse to even look at this information.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    I used to do my laundry at the local coin-op, and there were always JW rags lying around the place. I took a red ink pen with me, and whenever I found a mag I would annotate it and write on the front page 'annotated for truthfulness, read carefully.' I would circle all the logic errors, loaded language, mind control techniques, shoddy scholarship, etc, and write lots of marginal comments. It made a long boring afternoon at the laundromat WAAAY more bearable, and it felt good performing this public service.

    Guess what? The smelder who made that washateria his personal dumping ground no longer leaves the WT rags lying around there! I have seen him, Bible in hand, hesitantly approaching folks who are captive to their washers&dryers, and does he look scared! I told hubby Jehoober must be protecting him because he never ever approached me, LOL. His forays through the place consist of his hesitant twenty-second pitch to the meekest-looking sucker, a hearty laugh or 'get lost, creep' from the few he targets, and then he's off like a shot out the door. Max visit: two minute. Max preaching: zero.

    Having rejoined the world of home laundry joy, I no longer offer my unique service to the patrons of that glorious establishment. I can only hope that brother smelder is still too scared to leave his WT fewmets lying around lest some other feelthy apostate desecrate them.

    I highly recommend everyone try this whenever you find WT literature lying around in public places.

  • slipnslidemaster

    Mommie Dark, what a great idea!!

    Plus reviewing them like that keeps your chops sharp and you can do battle that much easier keeping the crap and filth fresh in your mind.

    Slipnslidemaster: Doin' the humpty hump...just doin' the humpty hump...

  • Monica

    Great post Mac!

    I was reading DogDown's post and thought this site might be of interest to some:

    * http://www.truthandgrace.com/Watchtower.htm

    A christian site that comments on each issue of the Watchtower. My babies are calling for me so I don't have time to comment further. bye for now

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    thanks for your interesting comments and
    links. The main idea is to DO something positive, in a form
    of a based, valid and constructive debate. The hope is that
    many will read it.

    Agape, J.C. MacHislopp

  • Stephanus

    Great Idea, Mommie Dark. Just curious: my family and I spend plenty of time in waiting rooms etc but have never seen any 'Towers or suchlike. What sort of places are JWs likely to leave their sales brochures in? (Laundromats, obviously! Where else?) I'd love to do a little proof-reading and correction of their mags!

  • waiting

    hey stephanus,

    Down south, we leave them in laundromats, hospitals, our doctors/dentist waiting rooms, nursing home waiting visiting rooms. Zealous jw business owners will put them in their own waiting areas.

    Been a long time, so I don't know where else.


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