A Decision On DAing.

by shamus 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT


    in 6 months a year, you may change your mind but duing that time you would have given yourself time to literally digest what has actually happened to your life while you were one of jw- and as in the case of most that i have seen

    you go from Disbelief in how they "Hoodwinked" you and Bamboozled you to down right Ready to take out a "Can Of Whip A$$"

    on the next jw who comes up to you talking some BS about WE missed you when you coming back and believe me when they day coMES MY DEAR FRIEND YOU WILL KNOW IT AND WILL BE PREPARED FOR IT

    SO take your time, Damn if you have been a jw like most of us 20-30yrs a couple of months to get yourself in shape will be like a drop in the bucket

    what i do encourage you to do is to contact some of the poster here, most in my exp are more than willing to take conversations OFFLINE-

    IN FACT I HAVE had the opportunity to meet some of the finest folks off line, on the phone and in person

    whether one likes it or not WE ARE ALL PART OF A SPECIAL BOND that ONLY WE CAN UNDERSTAND

    even folks who marry non-jw often come here cause even their mates don';t grasp the depth and level that this org has impacted our lives

    the old phrase SHAKE IT OFF AND GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE sad to say for most folks in my exp don;t wash and it don't fly

    IT SIMPLY TAKES TIME and that is what we are here to help each other do

    just my 2

  • Dimples

    Everyone has different reasons to disassociate or not to disassociate. I personally chose to diassociate myelf because I didn't want any connections to them at all. I chose to leave, I refused to have them kick me out. I don't know if I would have made that same decision if I had lots of family members in the organization. Luckily for me, I don't have any family that are jw's. It is so nice to have my family back.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    When my dad wrote his DA letter the first time he tore it up. He said you should never write anything in anger. He waited a few weeks and then wrote something very simple and direct and that was the end of it.

    I totally understand you wanting to keep control over yourself. But of course instead of the DA you'll get DFed eventually. It appears that doesn't matter to you and it shouldn't. I know if I had been baptised I wouldn't have cared if I were DFed or not. They don't mean enough to me to matter.


    Way to go, Shamus!!!

    Knowledge is Power, I have heard.

    Keep your power...hehehe!!!


  • rocketman

    Sounds like you're doing things on your terms instead of theirs, which is a good thing.

    And sucking on a big toe is pretty gross.

  • starfish422

    I wish I'd had the same frame of mind 10 years ago when I wrote my letter. I was told by one of the JC elders, "If we don't receive a letter from you disassociating yourself within a week, we'll disfellowship you." I thought, "Well, dammit, this is going to be my decision, not yours." I was young and didn't realize that by sending my letter I was acknowledging the threat he was making against me. If I really wanted to send them a message to kiss my a$$, I'd have done nothing.

    On the other hand, I was 18 and didn't want anyone to think I didn't respond because I was being apathetic.

    Anyways, I'm glad you've made the decision that's right for you. (((HUGS)))

  • Panda

    Shamus, Good for you! I'll bet you feel good just knowing you are completely outta there. I hope you'll be able to help those here who are unable to make a decision to leave the WTS or not. This place is great because we agree to disagree w/o the threat of DF'ing or shunning. Soon you'll feel sorry for those remaining in dubdom and you'll forgive yourself for ever believing the lies, especially the lies which told us all we were never good enough, we never did enough, and we deserved nothing. Sheeesh I'm glad you're out!

  • Athanasius

    Back in 88 when the JC was investigating my membership status in the congregation ( I had ceased attending meetings in 1984) the chairman asked me if I still considered myself a JW. That's a loaded question and it doesn't matter whether you answer yes or no. If you say no, you are automatically DA'd in their opinion. If you say yes, then you are expected to submit to their rules and regulations and they can prosecute you to the full. So I told him that because of all the upheaval in my life, I couldn't answer his question at this time. I wasn't about to make it an open and shut case for them and I refused to meet with the JC. So a year later they finally announced to the congregation that the Judicial Committee had determined that I had DA'd myself. This was true because I had been received into the Episcopal Church and had no intention of returning to the Watch Tower. However, my case kept the JC busy so they would have less time to ruin other people's lives.

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