Are you still going in service? If so, how do you present your message? I'm sure you disagree with a lot of WT teachings, so how are you handling this?
Those of who are trying to get out of the Borg....
by Flowerpetal 22 Replies latest jw friends
I sold my book bag to the local pawn shop and used the proceeds to buy a can of pop at a ball game. Never sold another rag mag for the "Publishing Company".
I have been door to door maybe twice in the last three years. Why should I go when the person at the door won't know that I am NOT a child abuser? Since the WT allows child abusers to go from door to door without telling anyone, I refuse to go.
And if they don't like it, they can just change their policy.
Yes go out for about 1 hour a month and basicaly my presentaion is simply "Would you be interestyed in reading the WT and Awake -- simple as that -- my 1 hour service is just to stop the prying elders from prying too much
Do you feel like you can share scriptures just praising our Creator without offering any literature? (that is if you still believe in one) I'm asking because I haven't been actively going from door to door, but am being "missed" so I'm trying to figure out how I can do so without using any of their suggested presentations and maybe do 1 or 2 hours a month.
I still go out in service for the sake of appearances.
I fake a lot of it. I only go out once a week for about 1-1/2. If I am with my hubby we pretend to knock but we don't.
If I am with others I try to use my Bible and leave the rags in the book bag.
Doubtfully Yours
When I go out on service I only present one article from one of the magazines that I personally might find interesting information to know about. I always find something, specially in the Awake! mag.
I never present books or pamphlets. However, I do not go out on service all that often to worry about finding people at home.
How many of you do it because deep down in side you still fear that the whole "Armegeddon" thang is true?
Why go out in service? Why not just hand in a service report? Unless, of course, you're living with family members who are dubs and are therefore being watched carefully. I've been handing in fake service reports for over a year, mainly to avoid the elders prying and to save my mother another heart attack.
As per my previous posts, I'm caring for my elderly mother who is still a dub but unable to get out much due to strokes and a heart attack. No one knows I'm not going out, and I am quite pleased at using the WTS' own definition of "theocratic strategy" against them - screwing up their year-end accounting records. I do, of course, speak about the "truth" to others, though not at all in a way the WTS would approve . I am trying to work out a plan whereby I move to another congregation (different language group), then "move" again later on, at which time I will have no contact whatsoever with the dubs, not even my fake service reports.
I do realize, however, that it is much more difficult for others who are more closely watched. So far I have been unable to fly under the radar.
How many of you do it because deep down in side you still fear that the whole "Armegeddon" thang is true?
I don't do it because of Armageddon. I just strongly believe in a Creator and feel like I can't not talk about him. I have been viewing some spectacular sunrises lately--I believe there is Someone out there bigger than ourselves.