I would say it would be the Catholic cause you can do just about any dam thing you want. And if you feel like you need to be close to God or something you can always go light some candles and wear a cross or put on a pointed hat or a white collar or deprive yourself of women or men in the case of nuns. And you get to hear funny boys sing chants, and you also can put some real holly water on your head that the priest got from the sink oh and you can wear Saint Christopher's. Look at all the fun things you can do, and last but not lest Christmas.
What religion would be your favorit if had to choose?
by Singing Man 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Not sure....still figuring that out....
Singing Man
Haaa ha, your too funny Spunk.............
Born again Pagan~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
People don't realize that hinduism is the oldest religion on earth, and perhaps the religion closest to god and the truth, since it's origins are those of man's earliest origins. It's simple, involves mostly meditation, and is in touch with mother earth. The Vedas and Upanishads are wonderful reads and full of introspective and philosophical insight. I believe this was mans first religion, in close proximity to shaminism.
It's also a monotheic religion, believing in only one god: Brahma. The other gods/goddesses are really only aspects of Brahma. Ask any Hindu. The biggest issue i had with this religion at first was that it had so many gods. But it's not true. Only one, Brahma.
They also accept all faiths. They believe Jesus and Mohhamend were either prophets or incarnations of Brahma. All paths lead to God, according to Hindus. It's only other faiths that take issue with having only "one true religion"
It was an Indian who grew up Hindu who started the Buddhist faith, and an Indian Buddhist who invented martial arts.
I believe the Indus Valley is one of the most important and religiously signifigant places on the planet.
Singing Man
Interesting Dolphman, I will check it out soon bro.
I agree with much of what you say and the underlying monothesism of Hinduism. Also, generally Hindus are peaceful easy going people.
However, it also has a lot to answer for. The caste system promoted by Hinduism has long been an excuse for keeping down the poor and un-represented lower castes. Whilst, prominent Hindu leaders such as Ghandi tried to promote a softer line with regard to the untouchables (or unscheduled castes as they are known), million of people in India have a very poor deal.
I am not indian myself but lived there for a year or so. I still regard India as my real spiritual home but until Hinduism comes to terms with the issue of treating all men equally then it would not be my religion of choice.
eyeslice -
Not sure what religion it is, but I seem to remember reading or being exposed some information about some religions that required orgies to appease their god(s). That sounds pretty good.
There is no TRUTH in religion!!!
Stacy Smith
I have made that choice and I choose none