This post was motivated by these two excellent posts: by Mindchild, and by Funkyderek. If you have time a glance through them may help make more sense out of this one. It is very likely that the Societies beliefs and guidance prepares their followers to our ( the ex-JW's) normal or standard reactions towards them. We want to enlighten them, help free them, but we may very well be doing just the opposite: enforcing and strengthening their faith and commitment to the Organization. Normally we react through various degrees and disguises of anger, and there is indeed a lot of motivation for that. We are not condemning that here, just exploring. There may be another way, a more productive one. A way that they (the Witnesses) may not be prepared for that may reach their heart more readily. Perhaps there is available professional/physiological research and guidance that can help us stealth through the fence of defense of the Witness cult-type programming, and thus increase the success of significant and successful communication with our spiritually and psychologically abused Witness friends and relatives (one should never make a sentence that long). I don't know what the way is. It just seems we should take a serious look see. So, I toss this out to all. Perhaps there are posts here from the past that you know of and can link us to; or other websites or books; or perhaps you have guidance of your own to share. Perhaps one knows of a good Watchtower article . We are at war. No rock should be unturned. j
What is the Best Way to Reach a Witness?
by JamesThomas 24 Replies latest jw friends
Try unconventional warfare -- sometimes it is possible to win a war by doing nothing -- try humor -- post on that the other week --they are in self destruct mode anyway at the moment
It's a good topic and one we should think about. I never ever spoke to or even about apostates when I was a dub. That didn't stop the cognitive dissonance from growing and growing and the resultant despondency from suppressing it all the time from getting deeper and deeper.
I do know that the kindness of people outside of the borg (including my gay brother and his long-time companion, people at work, neighbours), and the nasty, backbiting, self-serving cliques within various congregations I was associated with gradually chipped away at my wall of JW rhetoric and allowed me to see some light of freedom.
Being gentle and kind, but firm, leaves JWs very uncomfortable. The world, and particularly apostates, are supposed to be rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth devils in disguise. When and if they are able to see that those who have "love amongst themselves" live outside the Watchtower organization, then they may allow themselves the freedom to explore that other world a little bit.
It also depends, of course, on how much they have to give up (how much of an extended family they have in the borg, etc.)
Special K
Hey James T..
You might want to also refer here to Bebu's topic on talking with her neighbour.. and her update topic as well. I am presently reading a book called.. "Releasing the Bonds".. by Steven Hassan.
The book on the back cover is described as..
"In Releasing the Bonds, leading cult expert and licensed mental health counselor Steven Hassan describes a groundbreaking new approach that will help free many from the grip of destructive mind control."
In his book he refers to different groups being cults.. with J.W.'s being one as well.
his new approach to get ones out of so called cultish type groups is called.
Strategic Interactive Approach.. or SIA.
This technique involves a hands on approach that encourages friends and families to make progress one step at a time through what he calls "mini-interactions"... like phone calls, letters, or face to face visits.
It is a WONDERFUL book. It lays out step by step how to gradually open the eyes of people in any type of mindcontrolled group.
Special K
Hi James,
It's nice to hear someone concerned as yourself in trying to make headway with the people trapped in this cult.
There is quite a lot of that out there actually. Randy at freeminds has worked with many proffesionals in this field and offers much advise on his site concerning this subject.Perhaps there is available professional/physiological research and guidance that can help us stealth through the fence of defense of the Witness cult-type programming.
It seems from what I have experienced, it takes VARIOUS TYPES, of reasoning as there are various types of witness mindsets. Some are simply turned off by hypocracy they see. Others come out from the scandalous information they learn of concerning the organisation. Some simply tire of the lifestyle. As you's very hard to know what will work.
Some can read and see all the proof needed.......and still CHOOSE to remain within it.
I highly recommend Steven Hassan's books. Steve has done interventions for years, and I have worked with him on several, and not just with Witnesses. Really it is not complicated at all, and certain things will work in almost every case if you know what they are. It is tough in an intervention because you have 15 minutes to make friends with the cult member or you are probably doomed. Get them to stay a couple of days and they are allmost always out, and for good. Sound too good to be true? It's not. It's just that few people know what to say, and what not to say, and how to keep the family member(s) that are tying to get them out "quiet" so they will not blow the whole operation.
It's pretty much about getting the victim to "rethink" bad decisions made when joining the cult, and then picking up where they left off in their "old personality." A little tougher with those born into it, but it can be done.
Try this link:
Get one of Steve's two books:
Randy Watters
Jesus Christ
What is the Best Way to Reach a Witness?
I find the telephone usually works best.
Thanks Randy
Thanks everyone. I am going to purchase one of Steve's books to start and do some more research on this subject. It is understandable that when we act in anger towards JW's we get a lot of support here for it. There is indeed a lot of residual pain around. I just personally feel that more emphasis should be placed on a more compassionate and understanding way. A way that will reach a higher percentage of Witnesses. Thanks again. j
Phantom Stranger
Randy, you stated that the interventions "...will work in almost every case..",but it sounds as is those cases are the ones in which everything goes just right (timing, co-operation, etc.)
Can you give us an idea of Steve's overall success rate with JW's?
BTW the first link is not working any longer...