Is the WT working on any new doctrinal changes
by fearnotruth22 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes, people who desire to be happy must leave. ( Matt 19:71 )
Heard rumours but nothing more -- 2004 fast approaching - 90 years since 1914 - always on an anniversary such as this - some rank and file always ask questions -- so I think there is some clarification coming out -- BUT it is only a rumour I stress
I think your question is a good one considering that it has been over 3 years since the GB members resigned from the buisiness part of the WTS so they would have more time to focus on "spritual matters".
Thinking JWs could rightly ask, what new changes have came forth from god's spirit directed mouthpiece since they have all this extra time to focus on spirtual things for several years now?
Not much that I have seen.
I guess in some sense they're always working on changes.
I guess in some sense they're always working on changes.
Yeah, I heard they're currently working on trying to pull Ted Jaracz's head out of his ass.
Just out of interest, isn't that last comment slander?
The 1914 doctrine is a difficult one for the Watchtower Society because its very foundation lies on it. Yet, it is becoming apparent to many JWs that a new view is necessary. If there are changes, the Society will probably make subtle ones first to prepare the body to accept a major one later. It's possible the "generation" change was the beginning of it.
Whatever changes are made in the future, most JWs will accept it as "new light." But for some it will be the "straw that broke the camels back."
There are two basic types of JWS when it comes to "new light"
- The type who gulp up every change with excitement regardless of how large or small or profound the change is. In fact, the larger and more profound the change, the more excited they get.
- The type who are disgusted when "truth" is scrapped and replaced with a contradictory "truth".
The WTS is constantly "purging" type #2. They have their own Darwin thing going on and the people who are type #1 are "rewarded" with surviving the purges.
It's funny, the WTS accuses "worldly" people of "tickling their ears" with things they want to hear, when then entire structure of the WTS is based on this very idea. A lot of people like to be in a hi-control religion with lots of rules... it is their nature. They can't stand being in a religion that is flexible to the needs of the individual. I guess you could describe them as "Religious Masochists". If it does not hurt, then it is not love to them.