I heard the story a long time ago. The sister in that story was in a seedy area of town and the female UPS driver went into the same complex and was raped and murdered 5 minutes later.
More WT-BS
by BLISSISIGNORANCE 23 Replies latest jw friends
I heard the story a long time ago. The sister in that story was in a seedy area of town and the female UPS driver went into the same complex and was raped and murdered 5 minutes later.
More WT-BS
Not exactly WT-BS Stacy; but it's really interesting how the boys in Brookyn/Patterson do nothing to debunk these widely believed urban legends or bother to disabuse the dubbies from passing them along because it serves their interests to have these fables out there in circulation. It's their version of Halloween stories!
I heard it was a sister who was going door to door alone. The man at the door left her alone because of one large man with her. He went and killed the Avon lady who came next.
....it's really interesting how the boys in Brookyn/Patterson do nothing to debunk these widely believed urban legends....
They didn't debunk the urban legends about Smurfs, either. I wonder if, in fact, these stories actually got started in Brooklyn, and were used as a means of gauging how much actual mind control they had over the flock.
You never hear any urban legends from the JWs about two hulking "angels" protecting their young from pedophiles, do you? Hmmmmmm......wonder why?
That is an excellent point, Jim!!
This is an urban myth they've pinched from Christendom, like almost everything else they've got. I've recognised a lot of JW urban myths as being ones I've heard while in the Pentecostal church, whenever we've had an urban myth thread on this board.
This story is completely true. Trust me, it happened to a friend of a friend...
okay, maybe not. www.snopes.com check religious urban legends.
Just wondering, you think girl number two, the rape victim, made the mistake of praying to Allah for protection that night? Buddha?
So they picked this one up from the Pentecostals (maybe). And I thought they just borrowed from the Seventh Day Adventests.
"I heard this (dub version) 30 years ago." Same here. Mustang
I heard this around 1979 in Brooklyn from a sister my husband and I were in service with one Sunday after the meeting. She told us it was really true and happened near there... go figure... I believed her at the time.
Panda of the gullible class