Remember when you were in the troof, and had the thoughts of Paradise Erf continually being pounded into your head? You'd be able to pet lions, eat fruit, and smile, but there were things that were going to be destroyed at Armageddon. What were you going to miss in the old world?
Paradise Erf - What did you NOT look forward to?
by Nosferatu 28 Replies latest jw friends
Nos: I wasn't looking forward to making the one mistake that would get me destroyed. I'd mess up at some point,and so would others...I don't think living in a world with that kind of constant fear and loss would be anything close to paradise...Maybe If we really were left to do our own thing and get along as a general rule...but with all of those restrictions on what the WTS thinks Jehovah wants, I don't think "doing your own thing" is acceptable...
What were you going to miss in the old world?
Thick, juicy medium-rare T-bone steaks.
What were you going to miss in the old world?
Punk music, sushi and porn.
MEAT!!! As SFJ said, steaks, burgers, veal parmigiana, turkey dinners, sausages for breakfast, souvlaki, roast duck, pepproni on my pizza... I could go an all day!
What about television and movies? If everyone on the earth were nice, non-fornicating, non-violent people, WTF would there be to watch on TV? What would we base the stories on? Bloody field service???
What? No Internet porn???
Waddaya mean I have to stop drinking after 5 beers???
WHAT!!!??? Billions of hot, nubile babes in the world and I can only have ONE??? Or would there be a rotation program in place?
Makes me wonder how I ever became a JW in the first place.
edited to add: The more I think about it, the higher my blood pressure gets. DAMN!!! I need a F**King beer and smoke now.
No more chicken McNuggets or french fries. No sex. Lots of big smelly animals to pick up after. And worst of all, nothing but WT literature to read.
Living with the twonks that populate the WT was a real off putting thought. No sex was a major downside too, no sex, who thought that one up? Might as well be no air! :)
How boring was it gonna be without worldly people?
What I'd miss:
Women wearing shorts, slacks, and bikini's (Well, they might wear slacks and shorts, but not according to pics in wts publications). I'd miss rock and roll music, contact sports (maybe all sports?), movies, and TV. And would we even have computers and the Net?
Seeing such people raised from the dead as Booze and Ray Ray's uncle.
One thing I do look forward to seeing is CTR being raised from the dead to tell the real tales of the WT. That would be a shock to some dubbies!