What are 5 major beliefs in the JW religion?
What are 5 major beliefs in the JW religion?
by Law 14 Replies latest jw friends
1. No Trinity
2. No literal hell
3. No holidays
4. No immortal soul
5. No fraternizing with the enemy (the rest of the world). -
1. The Governing Body is the spiritual mouthpiece for God. If they say it, it means God said it.
Everything else is negotiable.
1) the ends justify the means
2) the ends justify the means
3) the ends justify the means
4) the ends justify the means
5) the ends justify the meanshawk
When you say 5 major beliefs do you mean the kookiest which are different from mainstream Christianity? What I remember being the most divergent and kooky is the 1914 stuff about Christ ruling invisibly and Satan and his demonic hoards being let loose on the Earth after being ousted from Heaven. This stuff all supposidely happened in 1914 with WWI being the "sure" sign that this was the case. No matter that WWII was much worse or that historians often point to the Napoleonic wars of the early 19th century as the real WWI. This stuff is way out there and I never realized just how whackey it was until I could view it from a distance as a non-JW. The whole being "chosen" as Jehovah's earthly organization when found worthy in 1919 from among all others is tied to the 1914 stuff and is equally whackey and just down right self serving. How would it sound f I told my co-workers that while the boss was on vacation I was found most worthy and that he had sent me a psychic memo making me his legitimate representitive while he is away? The kooky literal 144 thousand anointed going to Heaven crap while the "Great Crowd" stays on a paradise Earth is pretty unique and extra-biblical. Other religions have fallen for the "Last Days" stuff but the JW's really bought it several times on various dates allowing it to disrupt/destroy many lives. The anti-cross obsession is very strange arguing that Jesus was really "impaled" on an upright stake. Misusing the word impaled(meaning to be run through by a sharpened object) in order to avoid using the word crucified which is far more accurate for being nailed to something. I think the concept of Christ as a creation rather than God with seperate personalties is pretty unique but nothing new. Don't even know if these are most unique but these just popped into my head.
1.) The End Is Near--1914
2.) The End Is Near--1918
3.) The End Is Near--1925
4.) The End Is Near--1975
5.) The End Is Near--before end of 20th century--JAVA
...counting time at the Coffee Shop -
Whatever Ted Jarez believes today.
Slipnslidemaster: Doin' the humpty hump...just doin' the humpty hump...
Cliff Jackson
Master Member
Posts: 321
Since: Apr 16, 2001 Posted: May 29, 2001 1:06:37 PM
"Whatever Ted Jarez believes today."
Who is Ted Jarez? -
As Seeker said, the Fundamental Doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses is that their Governing Body is the mouthpiece of God, and it should be obeyed as if God himself were speaking.
In practice this means that Jehovah's Witnesses will obey the Governing Body before they will obey God, since the GB tells them what God is saying, and 'God' is saying that they can't decide for themselves what God is saying. Typical cultic manipulation.
Ted Jaracz today is 'God's' prime mouthpiece. He has manipulated himself into position as the most powerful -- not necessarily respected -- GB member by virtue of his strong personality and absolute intolerance of contrary opinions. Bethelites often call him "The Boss". In certain Bethel circles he is hated with a passion.
It's unfortunate in one sense that GB member Lloyd Barry died a couple of years ago. He was the only GB member who had the balls and backing to stand up to Jaracz, so The Boss now has free rein. It's fortunate in another sense that Jaracz now has this free rein, because he's putting into place all sorts of crazy rules and restrictions that are forcing the Society's excesses into full view. He's forcing the situation of massive dissatisfaction among Bethel staffers to come to a head.
To me, Jaracz is like the insane guerrilla leader in Woody Allen's movie "Bananas", who after getting into power decided to make the Spanish-speaking populace of the country speak Swedish, and told them, "Everyone has dirty underwear. From now on everyone will wash their underwear every day. Furthermore, everyone will wear their underwear on the outside, so we can check." Given yesterday's posting of the April 25 letter to bodies of elders telling elders to stonewall, I think that Jaracz's insanity is evident.
Cliff Jackson
""Ted Jaracz today is 'God's' prime mouthpiece. He has manipulated himself into position as the most powerful -- not necessarily respected -- GB member by virtue of his strong personality and absolute intolerance of contrary opinions. Bethelites often call him "The Boss". In certain Bethel circles he is hated with a passion."
Does this mean that the JWs no longer have a president? I have lost touch (lack of interest!)
Can or will the GB no longer disf'p people like Ted?